Thursday, August 29, 2024

Birthday loot 2024, Part 2.

Got this Tuesday. Just finished the binge last night.
Needed to sleep it off to gather my thoughts.

Ahh, there. Once I get these seasons on disk, I have the show all to myself without the internet's stupid voice intruding in my brain.

Yeah, I fucking loved it.
Season wise, I liked it better than season 4, which I liked better than season 3, which I liked a little less than season 2, which I liked better than season 1
And I loved season 1.
1 was a tad weaker because it's a season 1, and they were figuring it all out. 
3 was a relaunch, so it was like a new season 1.
With two season 1s, and 2, 4, and 5 as the standard, they were doing pretty damned well.

Against previous Trek shows?
I'd honestly put Discovery right the fuck up there with DS9.
Yep, I said it.
Discovery's the best Trek show since DS9.
And its been shredded in its day like DS9.

I've mentioned this on social media, but I can still remember the 90's paper SF magazines whining, and griping, and nitpicking the ever-loving shit out of DS9 when it was new.
Now these same weasel-fucks pretend they always loved DS9, and thought it was a fucking masterpiece.
Those magazines are now in landfills, and barn attics, and the critics who spilled all that ink have vanished back into the crowd.
That's where all the Discovery grumbling is going to go.
Down the fucking hay chute.

In 20 years, it'll be re-assessed, and everyone will catch up to me.
Just as before, they'll pretend it was always like that.
I've been on this Trek ride for a helluva while now.

When you look at it objectively, and tune out the fandom noise machine, Discovery stands fucking tall.
Discovery has nothing to be ashamed of. one nitpick for season 5...I don't like how Grey's character basically got swept under the rug.
But! "Starfleet Academy" will still be in the 32nd century timeframe, so they can bring him back around.
We'll see if he'll get a glorious comeback like Tasha Yar, or a sad epilogue like Kes.
Stay tuned for that!

Looking back on the whole thing now, the arc structure of the seasons plays out like a long-form novel.
And season 5 wraps up just like a big novel.
Lots of warm fuzzy "Return Of The King" epilogues.

Yeah, I'd put the final episode right up there with "All Good Things" and "What You Leave Behind".

I was satisfied. Everything tied up all nice, and left little seeds for future writers to play with.
I loved this crew; I loved what they added to the canon; Discovery really is great.
I might just re-binge the whole series sometime.

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