Wednesday, May 8, 2024

"Woke" horror-comedies.

To go with "The Craft: Legacy".
Even though that one takes itself seriously. 

The Blackening (2023)

Who survives a horror movie if everyone's black?

Everyone. Pretty much everyone.

It's a comedy ripoff of "Saw" with the puzzle element, but not the tortures.
Some tropes from "Friday the 13th" are in there too.

There are hench-villains with crossbows, and the good guys get hit with the crossbows, but they just get a boo-boo; an artery or organ never gets hit, it's like they're video game characters with maximum HP.
But....the white final girl always has maximum HP, so I guess I get the joke.

I liked it okay, but I wanted better.
It's political, but it can't bring itself to go as political as "Get Out" and it's a comedy, but it doesn't want to be as silly as "Scary Movie". rides the middle, and plays it safe.

By Tim Story who did the Barbershop movies, and the original two Fantastic Fours.

It's just okay. I didn't hate it.

Summoning Sylvia (2023)

Gay "The Blackening".

A bunch of gay guys have a gay bachelor party in a haunted house.
Hi-jinks ensue.

Manages to be pro-gay without being wik-wak-wikkety-woke (unlike "The Craft: Legacy" 😉😏), if you can believe it.

Individual scenes and jokes made me laugh harder than "Blackening" but the overall story is kind of cutesy-wutesy.
Take out the raunchy jokes, it could almost be a Disney movie.

That's my Halloween run-in with indie horror-comedy.
Probably shoulda posted about it then, but they were both "meh" so I couldn't work up the will.
BUT! What the Hell, if I did "Craft: Legacy" may as well post-ify these.

And, what the double-Hell, I'll retro-link this back to Halloween 2023.

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