Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Post-Deadpool 3 Marvel, Part 2.

'Member when I said Bob Iger's whittled Marvel down to 2 movies a year?
There's a third 2025 movie that keeps slipping into my blind spot.
So, let's address it.

Yep, there's an asterisk in there, and Kevin Feige is coy about what it means.

My theory?
"* I mean, it's really 'Black Widow 2' in all but name, but if we called it 'Black Widow 2' mainstream dumb people will assume it's Scarlett Johansson, and be like 'Oboy!! Scarlet as Black Widow is alive again somehow!! Hooray!!'. They're not going to vibe into that Florence Pugh is Black Widow now.
So, we had to stick a bunch of anti-heroes in there with her, and call it Thunderbolts. It was just easier this way. This is what we get for killing off Scarlett for the sake of drama. Boy, was that a bonehead move, huh? Ah, well, we're stuck with it now. Enjoy 'Thunderbolts'. Then tell your friends 'Actually, it should be 'Black Widow 2'. No, it's not Scarlett. It's Florence Pugh. What do you mean 'who's that?'? The blonde Russian stepsister. The funny one. Didn't you watch the fucking movie? Jesus! Why are we even friends?'".

Anyway! Yeah, it's got Florence Pugh, and she's being paid the most, so she must be the star.
Then you've got Bucky, Red Guardian, Ghost (remember her from way back in Ant-Man 2?), Taskmaster, and U.S. Agent (the crazy evil Captain America from "Falcon and The Winter Soldier").  
And Elaine from Seinfeld as whatsername who was at the end of "Black Widow" and in a couple of the shows as female evil Nick Fury.
And Harrison Ford as Thunderbolt Ross/Red Hulk again (See Cap 4).
And Sentry, who's Marvel's answer to Homelander.

Thunderbolts are probably gonna have to bring down Sentry.
So, Thunderbolts are gonna be The Boys.

So, it's really "Black Widow 2: Take that, 'The Boys'!!".

Hope it's good.
Stay tuned.

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