Thursday, April 20, 2023

Star Trek: Picard, season 3 (2023)

Right on time for a change!

Previously with new-Trek-

Previously with Picard-

There! They finally nailed it!
It wasn't enough to just fix "Nemesis" they needed to get us back to the warm fuzzies we had after "All Good Things...".
They did it.

Patrick Stewart wanted season 1 to be "Logan" but for Picard.
No, it needed to be "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" for TNG.
Season 2 was the middle evolution between the two, and this season got us there.

Some cynical douche nozzles are all "Memberberries! Memberberries!".
Motherfucker, that's why this series even exists. 
Frankly, fuck South Park for inventing that idea.
Super-frankly, fuck South Park period for being sneaky right-wing poison.

So, I could gush over spoilers, but I'm not gonna.
It would just be a list of cool shit they did, and listing doesn't do it justice.

I'll just note that it wraps with a not-even-hint-but-head-bonk towards the next spinoff that I've been begging for since season 1.

I'll blurt it out. 
Captain Seven.
And it looks like it'll be called "Star Trek: Legacy".
That's what the producers are calling it even though it's not officially registered.

We should have gotten Legacy after Voyager.
But, we also should have gotten Picard season 3 as a movie after Nemesis.
We should have gotten a lot of things.

Paramount is finally making everything right for us Trekkies.
We're back on course.
Between Strange New Worlds, and Legacy, it's a good time to to be a Trekkie.
Possibly even better than the glory days of 1993-1996.
No, not even possibly.
We're in the platinum age.


B. D. said...

Hahaha all the right wing weeaboos now hate Fox News for dumping Fucker Carlson for not even believing his own bullshit.

Diacanu said...

The memes have been delicious.
Especially the M&M one.

As for Fox, their viewership is plunging.
As is to be expected.
I've got mixed emotions. I've wanted them dead since the Obama presidency, but their audience will just scatter and scurry to some worse radicalizing shithole.
But, I don't see how they can get much more radicalized than what Tucker was spewing; he was getting his shit straight from 4Chan.
BUT, their biggest demographic is all our dying grandpas and grandmas.
The young Nazis aren't enough to keep them afloat anyway.
I'm back and forth with it like a seesaw.

There's no magic quick fix like planting a death virus in the Borg Queen, we're stuck with these maniacs for a generation no matter what.
*Gloomy sigh*

B. D. said...

I mean, look what he's getting fired for. He called a female election denier a "c***." So he's getting fired for being POLITICALLY INCORRECT towards his OWN SIDE, whom he DOESN'T EVEN REALLY AGREE WITH?!?
How far can this whole thing disappear up its own ass?
I mean, this is like going to see "I Spit On Your Grave" with all the horrible stuff taken out of it!! How much double think can these people engage in?!?

Diacanu said...

He's already spouting crazier conspiracies on Twitter.
9/11 truther-ism, all the great classics.
Someone on one of my boards said "he'll be hawking supplements next".

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