Friday, September 25, 2020

Star Trek: Voyager has finally found its moment!!

And it's now!!

Took awhile.
But here it is.

*Blank confused looks from audience*

Okay, I'll explain.

First of all, Kate Mulgrew predicted once that people that hated Voyager back then would like it better in 20+ years, that it was ahead of its time.

Second, I could always get a handle on what the other Trek shows represented.

TOS was JFK futurist optimism in the face of all the Vietnam protest and racial turmoil.

TNG was baby-boomer prosperity comfort.

DS9 was grumpy grunge-y Gen-X giving the finger to boomer values.

ENT was 9/11.

...but I could never get a handle on Voyager.

Kate was right, it was ahead of its time.

It's 2020.
It's the covid lockdowns.

Voyager's crew is us stuck in our houses, the Delta quadrant and all the things it throws at them is Trump, and Trumpers, and the virus.

This is most pronounced in "Year Of Hell", and "One".

And, people are consciously and subconsciously picking up on this, because apparently, Voyager's the most re-watched Trek show on CBSAllAccess.
It's the show people scared of covid and their futures are going to for comfort.

It's covid-Trek!

I still have to get a handle on Discovery.
Let's hope it doesn't take another 20 years...

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