Friday, February 8, 2019

Corrections/updates Part 17.

In "Things that don't give me nightmares #9", I ranted that even though Nancy Grace is awful, she was at least a cultural barometer for the morals and ethics of our country, in that at least we all still hate rape and baby cannibalism.

Yeah, not so much anymore in the age of Trump.

The Red Hat people lined up to vote for Roy Moore, a pedophile.
They don't care about Trump's pussy grabbing.
They don't care about his philandering, when they made a huge deal about Clinton's.
They don't care about his treason.
They don't care about Mexican kids dying in cages.
They don't care about diabetics dying because the price of insulin has gone through the roof for no better reason than corporate greed.
They don't care that Kavanaugh was/is a molesty perv.
They don't care about mothers that have to push out their miscarriage with no doctor's help, because they hate "sluts", so much that that takes priority.

They believe in absolutely nothing.

They're pigs in people clothes.

They're the zombie horde.

Well, at least I had those 8 Obama years to relax a bit.
My scrambled marbles needed the recuperation time from the damage the Bush years did.

But, vacation's over.
Back into the shit!

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