Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Corrections/updates Part 11.

Guess I'll finally address my first logo.

Specifically, this bit.

Poems?!?!?! WTF was I thinking??

Well, what I was thinking, was I didn't know how to do a blog when I started, so I used my friends blogs as a fusion template, and everyone (seemingly) did poems, so I was gonna fill the requirement by coming up with a couple dirty limericks, or something, y'know, as a parody, but I never got around to it, and as the years rolled on that part of the mission statement looked even more stupid.
Year after year, stupider, and stupider.
But I took forever to take it down, because dammit, I wanted to do a funny poem.
I just don't have poetry in me.
I'm as much a poet as I am a ballerina, or a baseball player.

Never happened.
Ah, well.

Some have accused me of writing poems.
Like, I dunno, maybe some shit I wrote accidentally stumbled together into verses, or something?
I dunno.
Frankly, I think those people were smoking banana peels.

But, that explains that, anyway.
I'm not a frustrated poet, I'm not any kind of poet, it was a funny part of the site I was gonna have that never materialized.

Sorry about that.


1 comment:

Diacanu said...

Wrong! I DID write a poem!
Corrections/update to this correction/update.

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