Saturday, December 8, 2018

Corrections/updates Part 9.

Here's a bunch of little tidbits I didn't have whole rants for.

1. In "Postcards from Podsville #29.8", I was burnt out on named philosophies, and named philosophers, and was trying to come up with some convoluted complicated way out of that.

Nah, I just stick to logic, and do my best.
Doesn't need to be harder than that.
I'm my own damned philosopher.

2. In "Inner-space part 5.5- Godzilla & King-Kong Across History 2", I tried to make this dumb metaphor of the reptilian hindbrain being "Godzilla", the higher primate brain being "King-Kong", and full enlightenment being "Jet Jaguar", and then using that to depict the rise of mankind in pictures based on that metaphor.

I used to see this post as a humiliating failure.

But, nowadays, with fucking Jordon Peterson getting incels to see themselves as "top lobsters", fuck, I missed my calling as a self-help author, you really can tell people anything.

But, thinking about it, it's really "Let's Fast-Forward", in coded form.
And I'm proud of that one.
And that one came first, so....I dunno, I should have pat myself on the back, and taken a vacation.
I was obsessed with the thought that I had to crank out material every day, like the blog was my show, and the show was my job.
Kind of a "do you love me YET?!!?!?!?", thing.
Eh, I'm (mostly) over that now.
I (mostly) let good ideas percolate now instead of vomiting them all out there before they're ready.

3. In "Meaningless Slogans 3-"Elitism", more homespun bullshit..", I stomped on the whole concept of "a president I could have a beer with", until its guts blew out of its mouth.

Well, now we have an even worse moron president than Bush, and he doesn't drink.
And he makes no airs about hating the dirty poors.
And the dirty poors are still sticking by him to the death.
To the fucking death.

Sooo...yeah, "the American dream", is a lethal meth habit for a lot of fucking people.
It has no limits.

4. In "Snarky political comment of the day #9", I broke down what I called "the legion of sociopaths".
Somehow, Donald Trump flew under my radar.
I kept subconsciously thinking he'd finally run his "empire", into the ground, like Miss Cleo, or Jim Bakker, and go to jail, and get shanked in the weight room, and we'd be rid of him.
Not become fucking president.
I underestimated the lengths to which rich assholes look out for each other.
But you have to be an old-money racist monster.
If you're Ted Turner, George Soros, or Bill Gates, they want you dead.

5. Alfredo Alcala, who did Swamp Thing, Raunchy Hulk, the Marvel Freddy Comics, Weird War, Plop, and who I named Eidolon's cat after in JS/QD, has yet another credit I forgot about!
He did the first batch of mini-comics that came with the He-Man figures!!
So, Alfredo made most of my whole damned childhood.
Friggin' hero.

Aaaaand, that clears out that backlog!!

Tomorrow, a couple Ghostbusters posts, and I'll answer comments.

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