Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dammit, DCEU. Here we go again.


Um...okay, I'll make this number 1.5, so the title of part 2 isn't so ridiculous.
Yeah. Yeah, that's the ticket.

So, anyway!!

Zachary Levi (of Shazam 1 and Shazam 2) is a goddamned Trumper.

He tried to water it down by backing RFK Jr, but that's like being a cannibal that only eats suicides.
Who the fuck are you kidding?

So, RFK (inevitably) threw in with Trump, and so (inevitably) did Levi.
And he's a Christian homophobe, so he's got that whole thing going on.
And he's bitter he didn't become the next Chris Pratt. Tough noogies, fella.
And he's gone over to making Christian movies, which to my mind is morally worse than porno.
And, he's got himself a cattle ranch, because for some reason authoritarian psychos like to play cowboy.

Damn shame, I really liked the Shazams.
They were cute and fun.
Ah, well.

"Eeewheew!! Dickynoo is cancelling someone over their politics!! So self-righteous! So binary!!".

It's Trump, assholes.
He's a rapist who's caused women to bleed to death from miscarriages.
His mis-management of covid racked up a million carcasses.

We're not having an argument over fucking ice cream flavors, for fuck's sakes.

So, yeah.
DC can't catch a fucking break with a fucking fishing net. 

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