Thursday, October 17, 2024

My FB anti-TERF stuff in one place: Part 3.

Then a few weeks later...

July 2nd.

All right, here's my breakdown of that shitty Helen Joyce interview with Dawkins.
Yeah, if you gulp all this bullshit down uncritically (like Dawkins does right in the goddamned video) without fact-checking, you're gonna get scared, and angry, and transphobic (while refusing to call it that) and you're really gonna want to rip a trans-ally's face off.
But it's all bullshit.
She's a liar.
So fuck her for being a willful scaremonger and hate monger.
And fuck Dawkins for platforming this shit.
And fuck Max for passing this trash on.
None of this is even close to the order it happens in the video, so don't use it as a read-along guide.
Unless I give time stamps.

Checklist of typical TERF talking points.
Multiple checkmarks for things she kept looping back to.

-Social contagion ✔✔*
-Denying trans suicide as emotional blackmail ✔ (holy fuck!)
-Transing the gay away ✔✔✔
-"They're sterilizing children" ✔
-Men in women's spaces ✔✔
-Anecdote without citation ✔✔✔***
-Attack helicopter joke!!!! ✔**
-Obsession with reproduction ✔✔
-Trans ideology a neo-religion ✔
-T shouldn't be in LGBT ✔ (fucking wow!!)
-TERFs calling themselves "sex realists". ✔
(I shit you not, white supremists use "race realists")

Didn't pop up, but thought they would....

-Cass report (it's in her shitty book!)
-Pre-homosexuality (ditto!)
-Autogynophelia (she's done this one elsewhere though!)
-ROGD (it's in the Cass report, and her book)

*"There's an enormous boom in trans identification"
There isn't. Lie.
They're still a tiny minority.
They're just not being terrorized into the closet anymore.
Although, TERFs and Ron Desantis are sure trying to reverse that.

**"I can say I was serious about being an astronaut, and it doesn't make me an astronaut".
(You've got to be fucking kidding me)

"There are papers that suggest...".
No citation.
Many variations on this.
"Letters I've received".
"Someone told me...".
Best one is the private Facebook group she allegedly gained access to under shady means.
Yeah, that's an anecdote to brag about. 

3:49, not 20 seconds after I gave up last time, Dawkins recommends "Irreversible Damage and "Material Girls".
The latter by Kathleen Stock. I looked her up, and she's part of that anti-woke university founded by Bari Weiss, and funded by Harlan Crow.
Why can't fucking people see what these people are?!?!?!?

Dawkins- "I'm perfectly fine to use a person's preferred pronouns, it's a matter of politeness, but what I object to is the insistence that 'I AM a woman!'".
1. Well, fuck you, then your pronoun use is phony.
2. Oh, wait, 38 minutes in, they both keep gleefully calling Lia Thompson "him" and "he".
So much for those respectful fucking pronouns, Richie.
So there goes that fucking lie.
I don't wanna hear that one anymore.

Pop 'N' Olly.
They're supposed to be evil, they're not.
Leave it to a TERF to make a guy trying to prevent gay bullying out to be a sicko.

Dawkins- "JK Rowling is very brave. Kathleen Stock is very brave. Maya Forstater is very brave".
Fuck you, pal.

"No evidence whatsoever that transition makes suicide risk go down".
Lie. Bald faced lie.

Anecdotal story of a de-transitioned trans-male that had an eating disorder, and thought transing would fix it, and it didn't.
Um...this slipped by the shrink?
Funny how my legitimately trans friends are having a nightmare of a time, but these de-transitioners just zip on through like it was the queue line for free cookie day.
I'm not doubting this person; I doubt they even exist, because Joyce is a fucking liar.

Joyce- "The New Atheist movement fell apart due to gender-woo".
Wow. Fuck you.
Tell me you're a Gamergate simp without saying it.
Or at least trying to blow kisses to that crowd.

Joyce's complaining that if women lose toilets and sports, women will be driven out of public life, but her solution is to drive trans people out of public life.
Fuck you.

Now she's telling the sob story version of Maya Forstater.

"And she was like maybe we should talk about this".

Lie. She shit-sploded on Twitter.

"Long story short, she lost her job".

She was a contracter, and she wasn't re-hired.
Way to "yadda yadda" the important bit.

"And they were literally saying if you believe this, you're the literal equivalent of a Nazi!!".

While Forstater hangs out with Posie Parker.
An actual Nazi.
Poow widdwe Maya. Poow widdwe feeng!
Fuuuuuuck you!

Joyce tells an anecdote of a woman who allegedly wrote to her about being triggered by the presence of a trans woman in a bathroom, but the trans woman didn't hurt her.
She wants trans women to be treated like scary monsters because of triggering, not anything they've actually done.
And Dawkins doesn't answer that. He just swigs down the emotion-bait with a sympathetic grimace, and moves on.
This is just like Bari Weiss and Jerry Seinfeld (saw a Majority Report mocking of this).

Funny how the whole TERF core premise is that "trans radicalism" is a thing of the reactionary left, but they have no problem with chummy-ing up to the reactionary right.
They don't bat an eye.
These people are all a fucking joke.

An ad plays for Hoover Resource.
They're the book press of the Hoover Institute which is a right-wing think tank.
Ayan Hirsi Ali works there.
The fashies can smell their own.
Take the hint, Dawk.

LOL!! Joyce says she's being accused of taking shady far-right money, and laughs it off.
Sex Matters is connected to SEGM, bitch!!!
Jesus fuckballs!!

Max thought this was fucking "reasonable".
Just because they're talking calmly and using big words?
You don't have to be screaming and stamping your foot to be a fucking reactionary.
TERFism is a reactionary moral panic.
End of.
Dawkins isn't a useful idiot.
He's an asshole.
I'm fucking done with this guy.


Richard Dawkins has gone on to mis-gender a cis woman athlete, and Helen Joyce has flat out confessed that her and her ilk are using the children and sports issues to get trans people out of public life.

So, if I left any little gaps or glitches in my dissection above, they're nullified by that.

1 comment:

Diacanu said...


Pre-homosexuality = A pseudo-science idea where...okay, you know in some vampire mythologies, if you get turned by a vampire, it doesn't all the way count until you drink your first human blood? Like that. But with gay. It was totally pulled out of thin air by the gay de-conversion movement. No one legit uses this term. Helen Joyce believes in this. Anyone who cites or hangs out with Joyce should be ashamed down to their fucking marrow just for that.

Bari Weiss = A Jewish woman podcaster who hypocritically took money from Harlan Crow.

Harlan Crow = That Nazi billionaire who bought Clarence Thomas.

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