Monday, October 19, 2020

Yet even more celebrity shitlist-

A month and a half since the last one.

Maybe things are slowing down in the "assholes taking their masks off", department.
Doubt it though.


-Howard Stern (As overdue as Andrew Dice Clay. Homophobic, racist, misogynist, sped up Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf's drinking death, platformed Trump, platformed John Kricfalusi and laughed when he bragged about liking underage girls. Total piece of shit, and hid behind a progressive mask...somehow. Now as an old man, he's trying to get into Heaven by whitewashing his career)
-Eddie Redmayne (Sticking up for JK Rowling's transphobia, well, not exactly her transphobia, but her being a poor little Twitter victim, but she's not, so screw him. Plus ignoring the trans people she's victimizing entirely.)
-Tom Stoppard (Sticking up for JK Rowling's transphobia by buying into the victim narrative like Redmayne)
-Robbie Coltrane (Sticking up for JK Rowling's transphobia by being on the victim train with Redmayne and Stoppard)
-Gina Carano (Transphobe, full-tilt female CHUD)
-Terry Gilliam (Anti-metoo, pervert pile allegations, said racist shit about Black Panther)
-Rosie O'Donnell (Belated, for being a 9/11 truther)
-Tom Selleck (For selling reverse mortgages)
-Henry Winkler (For also selling reverse mortgages)
-Jesse Ventura (Conspiracy nut)

Update- Shatner has backtracked from Trump, and the anti-trans stuff. Still an asshole though.

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