Thursday, October 8, 2020

The return of Captain Janeway!!

Damn, first I end up genuinely defending Voyager, now this! 
Yep, Janeway's back, and she's gonna be on....


From Kate Mulgrew...

“I have invested every scintilla of my being in Captain Janeway, and I can’t wait to endow her with nuance that I never did before in Star Trek: Prodigy". 

"How thrilling to be able to introduce to these young minds an idea that has elevated the world for decades. To be at the helm again is going to be deeply gratifying in a new way for me.”

Well, this raises a lot of questions.

Will she be a meat-human, or an immortal hologram?
Cuz if she's meat, there goes my theory that this is set post-Federation.
Unless she pulls some kind of Scotty-in-the-transporter trick to go to the future.
And where she's gonna be in animated form, is she gonna be her younger self from right after Voyager?
Or realistically aged to how she is now?
A lot of this goes to where in the timeline this is.

And, will she be captain again, or an Obi-Wan Kenobi type mentor, or...what?

I'm sure the finer details will fill in as we go along, but its definitely got my speculation gears spinning.


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