Saturday, October 17, 2020

She-Hulk un-casted.

*Sad sigh*

Stop hitting me, 2020.
Looking forward to a cool geek world after corona is all that's holding me together.

Yep Maslany herself said it was just a rumor.
Why every stupid mainstream source ran with it is anyone's guess.

And it's exactly a month since it was fake-confirmed, why did she wait so fucking long?

*Sighs again* 
Ah, well, back to the drawing board on that one.

I'd almost bitch about being tricked into watching "Orphan Black", for no reason, but it was awesome, so no regrets.

I wonder how many others binged it.
Maybe her manager said "Shhh! Shut up!! Viewership of 'Orphan Black', is skyrocketing!! Wait a month!".

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