Wednesday, May 20, 2020

No more categories, no more counting episodes!!

Yep, no more of that crap.
I'm done.

Tags will do all the work.
I should have done this from the beginning.

The "Revisits #1-54 compilation", was the last of that.
Now that those are all wrapped up in their corresponding tag, what do I need to count episodes, or even put category titles on for?
I don't, is the answer.
I don't have to.

So, from now on...

Pop-culture + news = Meedyah Morsels.
Pop-culture + reviews = Meedyah Morsels.

Munchies = Munchies & Crunchies.

Social media = Stuff From Facebook.

Revisits = Revisits.

And there's no need to count them anymore, cuz the tag will take you to all of them including the numbered compilations of the pre-tag era.
And if there's no need to count them, there's no need to link back to the last episode to help me do the stupid compilations.
I honestly dunno why I made all that work for myself.
I feel kinda silly.
But, it's fixed now.
New no-bullshit era.

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