Thursday, May 21, 2020

Happy 40th Anniversary, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back!!

Still the best one!!

The first Star Wars sequel!
Well...the first one on film.
"Splinter Of The Mind's Eye", the novel was the first continuation of the story.

Anyway, it was a big deal even in its day.
Part 2 of the biggest movie ever, and it didn't disappoint.

Course, yeah, retroactively, it's part 5 of the Skywalker saga, but y'know.

Anyway, my original review is in "I Love Star Wars".

And my sequel review is in "I Still Love Star Wars".

So....what to cover this time?

Well, here's something no one mentions.

As great as the "no, I am your father!", twist is, it justified the whole existence of the prequels.
That one line ret-cons in that timeline.

The greatest Star Wars creates the worst ones.
And everyone just lets that slide.

Well, worst except Sith, Sith is good.
Some online poll has Sith better than Endgame.
Can you believe that shit?
*Head shake*

But then, the prequels birthed "Clone Wars", and season 7 just had its finale, and is one of the greatest moments in all of Star Wars.
18 years after Clones, the prequels finally paid off.

Empire delivered the goods right in the theater though.

I wonder how it would have fared if there had been an internet then.
There's always a hater.
And they get the ball rolling, and multiply.

I got watching a video of kids of today reacting to disco music, and I remembered I saw a documentary where they talked to the guy who started the "disco sucks", movement, and he admitted, he couldn't get into the clubs, and he hated the disco clique, and he wanted to get laid in his lifetime, so disco had to go.

Now, do you think he would have admitted that back then when it was going on, even under torture?
Fuck no.
Only when it's all over, and he's an old fart.

"Disco sucks", were literally the incels of their day.

And you could torture the incels, and they won't admit it's because they're just bitter.
There's this whole bullshit political dogma they spout.
But in 40 years?
Yeah, just you wait.

So, it really is "they hate us cuz they ain't us".

So, would Star Wars have had incels/disco sucks-ers if there had been an internet?
No fucking question.

Would the anti-Star Wars fanboys of today be so bitter if George Lucas had kept Star Wars, and still delegated the films to JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson, and they had been exactly the same?
Fuck no.
It's about hating Disney.
Disney is the prom king.
Disney is the bouncer at the disco club.
That's what it's really about.

Which is weird, cuz "Empire Strikes Back", George Lucas was just as much a prom king, and a disco bouncer.

Lucasfilm and ILM were already becoming just as much as "heartless corporations", as Disney.

What gives?

People bullshit themselves, that's what.
They're stupid, insecure, vain, and they bullshit themselves.

Nope, sequel trilogy haters aren't "the divided fandom", they're flat out playa hatahs.
The sequel trilogy aren't "controversial and divisive", they're victims of the franchise's own success.
Like Disco.
Like hair metal.
Like Rocky in "Rocky III".
Like Spidey in "Spider-Man 3".

And Empire was the first step on that road of gluttonous success.
And people forgive that too.

Cuz they bullshit themselves.

I wouldn't change a goddamned thing.
Everything worked out.

Empire is on the AFI 100 list.

"I am your father", created the prequels, which created "Clone Wars", which created Ahsoka, who's gonna be in season 2 of "Mandalorian".
And the exact same playah hatahs are excited to have her.

It all balances out.
Like the force.

May the force be with you, and happy birthday, Empire.

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