The first of these post-de-numbering.
Bootstraps 3. (part 1, part 2 (see "The argument is over...")
April 14, 2019.
You know what I never see?
Some insecure conservative white guy seeing black/Latino/women/gay/trans soldiers/firefighters/cops, not liking it...and then using that to step up their own game, and be tougher, and better.
Nope, they whine, and cry, and want a system of pampered privilege to protect them.
So much for "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps".
The Trump years are revealing a lot of shit that we as liberals just don't have to listen to anymore.
It's the one silver lining.
Bernie bro bullshit.
April 15, 2018
Remember before the election, I was calling people voting Trump bad people, and anti-Hillary people pro-Trump whether they understood it not, and some people unfriended me for being a big meanie? Wonder where they are these days.
Do they still think they're righteous? Or are they masking their raw throbbing shame under some bullshit?
And the update..
April 15, 2020
They're still bullshitting themselves.
The Bernie-or-bust motherfuckers think a second Trump term "will teach us a lesson".
The Trojan-horse radical left think a second Trump term will collapse the system and cause a revolution.
Y'know, a revolution of the assholes that didn't actually get off their asses to vote for Bernie in the primary.
And the apathy bastards who are all middle class and white are still like "ehhhhh, we've survived bad presidents before".
Not with covid19 you don't, pecker-neck.
Ah, yes, accelerationism.
Liberal smugness.
April 17, 2018.
You know what's worse than sexual assault, bragging about sexual assault, ogling underage teenagers, marital infidelity, covering up the infidelity by sending goons to threaten your mistress, encouraging political violence, calling neo-Nazis "good people", and obstructing justice?
Smugness just drives me insane.
I'd burn the world down with nuclear fire if it meant liberals would stop being smug.
Either that, or I'd vote for a guy that would do that for me.
This is all completely logical and rational.
I think I'll take this argument to message boards.
I bet it will really impress people.
Hell, it might even add an inch to my ding-dong.
Couldn't hurt to try.
And the update...
April 17, 2019.
Turns out the people making this complaint love smugness just fine when it gets to be them being smug about passing bigot legislation.
Another hypocrisy for the pile.
The law and order crowd.
April 21, 2017
I'll believe the Republican fever over immigration is about "law and order", and not racism when I see every redneck cracker across this sorry-ass country turn in their meth head cousin, and buy legit copies of all their pirated music and films, burn their police radar detectors, and rat out their pot dealers.
I'm not going to hold my breath on any of that.
This is a nation of sneaks, snoops, finks, and cheats, and the cries of "law and order!! Law and order!!", are just one straw too many for me to take with a straight face.
And the update...
April 21, 2020.
Crossing an imaginary line on a map to seek a better life = horrible crime.
Blocking emergency vehicles, and spreading a virus = patriotism.
Fuck this country.
Nazis calling everyone else Nazis.
April 30, 2017
After 8 years of the right-wing abusing Hitler analogies for Obama, the language is weakened now that Steve Bannon and Theresa May have shown up, and turned out to be actual Nazis.
Almost as if it was planned that way.
I don't have a conspiratorial enough mind, I'm perfectly willing to let it be a perfect storm of human stupidity.
Boomers and racism passes.
May 8, 2018
This goes out to you Boomers hitting senior citizen age.
Some of you seem to think once the AARP magazine starts coming, you get a racism pass. NOOO!
World War II Generation used all the racism passes.
You don't get one.
We're done with the racism passes.
They've been phased out.
My generation doesn't get Social Security, and you don't get Racism Pass.
How it goes.
"Glamorizing violence".
May 15, 2013
Y'know, despite the bed-wetting by both liberals, and christian-conservatives, I've never seen a horror movie that says the bad behavior contained within is a morally righteous thing.
I can't find that movie.
I've looked.
I WANT to see that movie to laugh at it.
If anyone could have found it, it would have been me.
You know what genres have bad behavior and tells us it's good?
Religious films, right-wing war propaganda, and some romantic comedies.
Why aren't those picketed?
Eugenic supermen.
May 16, 2018
If I were a eugenic superman, I'd make all my money off my super intellect.
Well, I'd start off with feats of strength to get attention, and build up a "brand", in the fame machine, THEN I'd start inventing.
Little things at first, like a George Foreman grill, but with a monitor screen hooked to an electron microscope, so you can watch the chemical cooking reactions happen at the molecular level.
And a tactical flashlight that gets Pornhub.
And a spork sharp enough to do surgery with, and heat resistant enough to scoop up molten steel. Then, once those billions were rolling in, I'd start cranking out the smart prosthetics, and Iron Man suits.
What I wouldn't do, is go begging to the government for tax cuts and subsidies.
Because that's a bitch move.
For little bitches.
And eugenic superman aren't little bitches.
Another feature of being a eugenic superman, is by definition, when you grow old, you don't get all fat, and bald, and jowly, with a gross flobbedy blobbedy bulldog face, and a slobbedy ploppety vulture neck.
Cuz eugenics.
That would be neat, to not have to worry about any of that shit.
With all that extra health and lifespan, I'd get more inventing in.
Maybe cure some diseases.
And give the cures away for free, because billionaires don't need anymore money.
Did I mention I wouldn't beg for tax cuts and subsidies?
Oh, and I wouldn't sit around thinking of new and exciting ways to squeeze blood out of poor people. I'd be too busy flying around in my Iron Man suits.
And having lots and lots of sex that I don't have to pay for.
And I wouldn't have goons.
That's another bitch move.
For little bitches.
Anyway, it's fun to theorize.
Glad no one puts this shit into practice.
They'd be liars, because supermen aren't a thing.
Yep, glad we don't have that problem.
Seriously, Trump believes in eugenics, and thinks he's superior.
He said this shit on 60 Minutes.
They replayed the interview during the election.
No one seemed to give a shit.
I mean, I get his supporters not caring, they're white supremacists.
I'm stunned we couldn't get liberals to care and share that quote as a meme to bejeezus.
This country is a fucking nightmare.
Morons at everything else think they're good at politics.
May 18, 2018
So, let me get this right.
Dumbass cross-eyed stumble-fucks in this country shrug off being dumb at math, science, geography, history, English lit, health, relationships, and child rearing without the slightest teensiest speck of shame or concern.....but tell them they're fucking stupid at POLITICS, that hurts theiw widdwe feewings.
And we have to pwotect those feewings, or they'll burn the country to the ground, and it'll be our fault?
That about right?
Yeah, fuck off.
And why would someone stupid at all the other shit be brilliant at politics?
How the fuck does that work?
Someone walk me through that one.
Do it up on the chalk board, I wanna see the work.
And the update..
May 18, 2020.
I think it comes from the un-earned tribal pride that comes with "American exceptionalism".
America (allegedly) has the best system, so all one has to do to be good at politics is be born here, and believe in its system.
The more blindly you believe in it, and the less critical you are of it, the smarter you become.
Then it becomes an identity thing, then calling them out for their ignorance feels to them like being picked on for being fat or short.
Jesus, people fucking suck.
"Creeping socialism".
May 24, 2020
Has there ever been a country that turned into a military totalitarian fascist dictatorship because of "creeping socialism"?
I can't fucking think of one.
Where the right-wing has this as their central paranoia fantasy at the foundation of their ideology, you'd have thought it would have happened at least once.
Every pseudo-socialist dictator run hellhole I can think of, assholes with guns directly seized power.
They didn't tippy-toe up to it by having their version of Medicare expand into dental.
To which a friend brilliantly answered...
Because of, or in response to?
'Cause it's usually right wing reactionaries flipping the board when the kickbacks aren't exclusive enough anymore
And, that's those.
No number.
No last episode.
Use the tag.
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