We never run out of bullshit these people are saying and doing, so I never run out of shit to say about it.
Here we go again...
"Humans need ritual!!".
April 21, 2014
This whole pledge thing has gotten me thinking about something I'm sick to death of hearing. Whenever you have a debate about things like the pledge, and then you get into prayer, and religion, there's always some fucking knucklehead in the room/thread that says "human beings NEED ritual!". No they fucking don't.
I'm a human being, and I don't need meaningless rituals.
What few rituals I used to put up with had to be drilled into me against my will.
And I'm not the one-in-a-billion mutant the authority figures in my life tried to persuade me I was. I've got the internet now.
I've talked to people.
I'm not-a-freak to the tune of fucking millions.
What other stupid lies you got, assholes?
And what if ritual WERE a universal human craving?
It wouldn't make the dumb rituals we have good, or helpful, or right.
What, any ritual will do?
Why not animal sacrifice then?
Why not virgin sacrifice?
Why not severed head soccer?
"Human beings need ritual", is something dumb people say to sound/feel smart, and feel good about their cowardly conformity.
I'm about ready to punch in the face the next person who says it.
It's thoughtless selfish garbage of the first order.
And my immediate reply...
Here's my shortened rebuttal to "human beings need ritual".
No, power-mongering sociopaths need ritual to control the stupid and weak.
Wake from your stupor.
My shorter rebuttal.
"Go play Candy Crush then".
"Into numbers".
April 24, 2013
If someone you know rattles on about "being into numbers", give them a book on calculus.
If they rattle on about "hidden invisible realms", give them a microscope.
If they aren't thrilled by those gifts, write them off as nonsense addled jellyheads.
Psycho-Christians vs transgender rights.
April 30, 2016
I predicted long ago, that once psycho-Christians lost the gay rights battle with gay marriage, they were pretty much done, because that was their last big social issue after losing on civil rights, women's rights, and abortion.
But I also knew they wouldn't lay down in defeat without embarrassing themselves first.
And that's what all this transgender bathroom shit is.
Get a fucking clue, folks.
When the battle lines have been pushed back to toilets, you're done.
You're not coming back from that.
History is not going to be kind.
And the update...
April 30, 2017.
Who knew they'd go all "Empire Strikes Back"?
I should have, if I'm so damned clever.
Maybe 'rona will wipe out enough of them.
Swearing at your parents.
May 3, 2013
Parents, if you make your pre-pubescent kids miserable enough to fly off the handle on a regular basis, please, just go ahead and let them swear.
It sounds so stupid and pathetic when they try to infuse "heck", "stinking", and "crap", with the same level of passion as "fuck", "fucking", and "shit".
You're giving them an adults anger, let them express it for fucks sake.
I of course say all this selfishly as one who's heard these tantrums, and had them sit badly in my ear, and ruin the rest of my day.
And the update..
May 3, 2018
I've concluded awhile ago, nothing people fight about is worth anything.
It's all meaningless.
If you're not going to kill the person, then shut the fuck up.
I mean, really, what do people fight over?
Money, and their vanity being stepped on.
Are you entitled to the money?
Then you're a schemer, fuck off.
How much is it?
Less than six figures?
You know what, let the asshole have it, it's worth it to be rid of them.
As for vanity/ego, learn how to write a revenge rap.
That'll make you feel better.
As for swearing at your parents, do it.
God lets babies die of starvation.
He certainly couldn't give a shit if you say "fucking bitch".
If you slap your kid for calling you "fucking bitch", you deserve for your kid to grow up into Eminem.
Stupid fucking bitch.
Now give him his fucking cellphone back already.
Tired of hearing that shit.
Trying to eat my chalupa, fer chrissakes.
Fucking people.
Racism: America's favorite pseudo-science.
May 4, 2018
Racism is a pseudo-science that asserts that you can tell everything about a person's moral character, past, and future, with nothing but the naked unaided human eye.
Yes, there are also cultural stereotypes, and bad interpretations of history, but those build up from the naked eye thing.
You'd think this would be debunked by the telescope, the microscope, FLIR goggles, genetic marker testing, optical illusions, and card magic.
This shit's more persistent than diarrhea on a cruise ship.
Especially in America.
We love racism here.
Along with greasy food, and explosives.
A trifecta of shit that's bad for you.
Which is why we cram all three into the country's birthday party.
I had a clever idea to combat racism with clever analogies to flat Earth...but look at that, flat Earth is making a big comeback.
Idiots are geniuses.
Always a step ahead of me.
And the update...
May 4, 2020
The dams are bursting open with bullshit.
Every flavor you could have imagined, and ones you never could have.
But America's favorite?
Still racism.
Still racism by a country mile.
God, how they love it so.
They're about to send their kids back to school to die of a virus, because they love racism more than their own children.
They've swallowed the "work is freedom", okey-doke, because Trump spews it, and they've bought into Trump cuz he's promised them in dog-whistles that no matter how much they suffer, the darkies will suffer more.
And they're willing to seal that contract in their children's blood.
That's fucking commitment.
Hopes and prayers.
May 5, 2014
I gotta ask, when has prayer ever fucking done a damned thing?
I mean, anything that meant anything worth a fuck.
All these dead kids, and dead women they find out in the woods, and out in swamps, they must have fucking prayed their brains out.
You know they did.
Still dead.
Everyone who ever had a terminal disease.
Everyone who ever lost a fucking limb.
Anyone who was ever sexually assaulted.
Even every ugly lonely guy that wanted to get laid.
Nothing for any of 'em.
Whenever you hear of prayer doing anything, it's either sports related, or something to do with lost keys.
Something really lame and pathetic.
And these goofy jowl-faced child-minded legislators want this meaningless voodoo ritual included in their job at taxpayer expense.
And socially, prayer is supposed to be this fucking deep meaningful activity, you're supposed to respect it, like someone's sick, and some idiot always goes "I'll pray for you", or "I'll keep you in my prayers", and you're an asshole if you're not like "ohhh, thaaaank yoouu!".
I really don't like this planet.
It's an ordeal to be on it.
Seeing destructive and toxic people being treated with respect, and good people tossed aside in the garbage, and stupidity praised, it makes me physically sick.
And I just point it all out, and I'm the villain.
I really can't believe I share a species with people that think this way.
And the update...
May 5, 2020.
People are finally turning on it.
All the "hopes and prayers", shit from Republicans is getting mocked pretty regularly.
And even former lazy fence sitters are waking up to the havoc religion is wreaking during the pandemic.
Interesting to see how hopeless it all felt just 6 years ago.
Makes you wonder where we'll be in the next 6 years.
Kinda cheers me up.
Founders of countries.
May 6, 2016.
You know something you've never seen?
The founders of a new country saying "and now, I'll put myself at the very bottom of this society, and climb my way back up to prove just how well my new system really works!".
Doesn't happen.
Don't look for it to.
The war on crime.
May 7, 2017
I've come to the conclusion that any "war on crime", that isn't also a war on poverty is a fucking lie. Poverty is the swamp that street crime grows in.
If you're fighting crime, but not poverty, you just care about locking people up to lock 'em up.
Even if it's well intended, it'll always corrupt into a class-ist, racist, authoritarian, unjust, rich versus poor nightmare.
Like what we've got.
The Prison Industrial Complex.
This why why I pay no heed to what I call "justice porn".
Reality cop shows, judge shows, it's propaganda for the class/race war.
Fuck off with that shit.
In a hundred years, people will look back on that garbage the same way we look back at minstrel shows, and animal torture at circuses.
Trump gave up in 2011, I got cocky.
May 16, 2011.
Trump officially waved the white flag. I'm sure you're all devastated.
And the update..
May 16, 2020.
Here's a lesson never to get cocky and dismissive.
I'm scanning my brain for who I've cockily dismissed...Ben Carson...keep your fucking eye on Ben Carson.
Trump is evil, and his fan-club knows it.
May 17, 2020
"How can people think Trump is good?".
No one is the slightest bit deceived that Trump is "good" in the way you or I understand goodness.
Cruel, vindictive, hateful people want to cover their crimes, and the way to do that is to rewrite history and ethics.
They know they're not tricking us, and they aren't even fooling themselves or each other.
They know it's all about mob power, and they just have to out-scream and tire us.
Don't let them.
Step one is don't get confused.
It's bullshit, and they know it.
And my immediate reply...
I've been around shitty redneck-y people all my life, this is how I've always seen them "win", arguments.
It's all they understand.
Nader voters.
May 21, 2020.
You know who history remembers as the smartest people that ever lived?
Nader voters.
Everyone just admires and looks up to them, they get millions of dollars just to speak at colleges, and show up at conventions, the love just flows freely.
Nader voters are at the top of our social hierarchy.
They get to breed with our finest stock of supermodels.
They get the secret cuts of meat the unwashed don't get a crack at.
History has truly vindicated their choices.
The Stein voters, and the never-Biden-ers are just patiently waiting in the wings for that acceptance that Nader voters naturally and rightly bask in.
It'll happen.
Just you wait.
Douchebag critics.
May 22, 2015.
Y'know, you're free to like or dislike films, shows, albums, whatever you please.
But when you mistake your personal gut reacted taste as a matter of morals, you're mentally inferior, and will be treated as such by me.
I've tried to find a kinder approach, but it has eluded me.
If your brain ticks that way, you don't get to be an authority, you don't get to be an adult, you barely get to be a human.
Scream and stomp all you want, the respect you think is due just isn't coming.
There, the line is drawn.
Let the chips fall where they may.
And the update...
May 22, 2016.
I still keep running into this.
I wish I could say we lived in a world where these people die homeless, but this mentality can make you a millionaire on Youtube.
And the YT algorithm keeps shoving these little Nazis in my fucking face.
Christmas Christians.
May 24, 2015.
Before I gave in, and became atheist, I went through a deist phase, but before that, I was what I like to call "a Christmas Christian".
In it for the Christmas presents, and Easter eggs, but never prayed, never went to church, never watched the religious shit on the holidays, only the Rankin/Bass stuff for nostalgia.
Let me just say, as someone who's been there....cut it out.
Christmas-Christians, just cut it out.
You're smoking a candy cigarette, you're drinking apple-juice champagne, you're eating a tofu steak. Cut it out.
Be atheist.
Grow some balls, and be atheist.
You are in everything but name.
Cut it out.
You're throwing off the statistics, and it's a pain in the ass.
And the update...
May 24, 2018.
I used to think "Christmas Christians", were just being lazy.
Now after seeing all the white people whining about their first world problems while black people keep getting shot, and hugging and kissing their guns while teenagers keep getting mowed down by AKs, and crying about their precious bruised feelings over kneeling in a fucking football game, I realize they're just fucking jelly-spined cowards that can't stand to be thought of as misfits. Privileged, spoiled, soft little cowards who would physically die if you called them "fucker".
Yep, keep your heads down, eat the Easter eggs, and keep that painting of blonde Aryan Jesus up in the den.
*Spits with disgust*
Anti-lockdown assholes.
May 24th, 2020.
Let's say that covid-19 really were a virtual reality hologram created by the leebrul myeeedyah.
Let's also say that mask wearing and hand sanitizing are 100% unnecessary.
Ripping people's masks off and violating their space would still be the height of assholism.
Pre-corona, we had germaphobes.
It wasn't cool to wipe boogers on the germaphobes.
No one thought that was awesome.
No one encouraged that.
No one thought you were an American hero for sneezing on the food of the hypochondriacs.
Just like no one but assholes thought it was awesome to shove claustrophobic people into a small closet and hold them in.
How about nut allergies?
Would it be "patriotic", to force feed people with allergies fucking peanut butter to see if their allergies are real?
And what if they are?
I don't get the mentality of these fucking anti-lockdown people.
I mean, I do get it, they're selfish, and ignorant, and entitled, and have the emotional development of 6 year olds, but I don't get the series of mental gear shifts they have to do to justify their idiot behavior.
Any other day before winter of 2019, social shame kept these fuckers in check.
How did they bust out of the pens?
And that's those.
New poster for Hell of a Summer
1 hour ago
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