Stuff from Facebook #46.
Post 20 away from 3000 posts!
Bucket unload #2 for today!
Authority period.
March 15th, 2016
You know that icy terror you're feeling seeing Donald Trump inch closer and closer to the presidency?
That's how I've felt about all authority my whole life.
Welcome to my world.
And the update...
March 15th, 2020
Apparently, if you're a grinning eager-beaver go-getter who gets straight As, you get the Jekyll side of all your teachers and bosses.
I got all the Hyde sides.
In a way, I'm grateful.
It gave me the "They Live", glasses.
It's pointless for liberals to kowtow to Jesus-Nazis.
March 17th, 2018
I just thought of something morbid.
Hillary Clinton went to all those gross evil prayer breakfasts for nothing.
Democrats, wake up, the "evangelical", Jesus-Nazis have been firmly and deeply convinced that the Bronze Age Sky Daddy smiles down on the party that hates the very poor people Jesus said to look out for.
And not even with GOOD propaganda.
Fascists don't art well.
We've got all the artists, we could have head this off at the pass.
What were you doing back when this was being born, boomers?
Oh, right, disco and cocaine.
*Head shake*
The argument is over, the right don't have a philosophy.
March 19, 2016
Here's what I love about the Drumpf candidacy.
The lie finally lies in burning rubble.
And the lie is, that the right ever even had a philosophy.
All these decades, they cried about an imaginary boogeyman authoritarian state coming after them, but then they turn right around and cheer on goons attacking innocent protesters.
All these decades, they've cried about big government, but they wanted people to be second class citizens over what happens in their bedrooms.
Doesn't get more big government than that.
All these decades, they trumpeted "everyone can have the American dream if they pull themselves up by their bootstraps", but when a black man did just that, and became President "he's not a real American!! Birth certificate! Birth certificate!".
Nope, it's all a lie.
It's not a philosophy, it doesn't get to call itself an -ism.
It's the bare bones of how animals act.
Animalism isn't a philosophy, or your house pets would have a political party.
I've finally won this argument, not just against rightists, but against left-wingers that naively wanted to show this "side", respect, thinking that would hold this mess together.
Well, how has that been working for you?
And the update..
March 29th, 2018
And those lies just keep peeling away like an infinite onion.
From Bible-thumpers cheering on an adulterer, to former Cold-War flag wavers spreading their cheeks for Russia.
Conservatism stood for absolutely nothing but greed and avarice.
Add that they turned into socialists in a big fucking hurry now that coronavirus is here.
There's nothing there.
March 19th, 2013
Ah, these lovely drug commercials.
Intermezzo says side effects may include swelling of the tongue and throat, and this may be fatal.
They don't say "call a doctor", or even dial 911.
Nope, 911 ain't gonna be there in time, you're just gonna be dead.
"May be fatal", that's it.
That's all they have to tell you.
So, as you're strangling to death in the middle of the night, you'll know it was the fucking Intermezzo.
Ain't that nice of them?
Y'know what?
Fuck it, I'll let my brain race until 6 am.
Cat Stevens has brain damage.
March 26th, 2016
So, both The Bible Reloaded guys, and The Scathing Atheist are digging into the Koran about the same pace, and I gotta say, I'm losing more and more respect for Cat Stevens.
If this is the book that was so beautiful it made him weep, he's the worst moron who ever drew breath on this planet.
Lame revisionist fan-fiction of the Bible's genesis stories, horrible apologetics that you learn to laugh and point at on your first day of being an atheist, and seething un-disguised Jew hate.
Those memes from after 9/11 of using the Koran as toilet paper were wrong.
I don't want shit that evil and stupid caressing my skin.
Anyone can make up a better God.
March 26th, 2015
See, if I were God, I'd just show up.
I'd introduce myself, do some magic tricks to prove my credentials, and set up shop in some generic neighborhood, and have a hotline.
I'd actually answer prayers.
And, the whole "faith", thing wouldn't even be a requirement.
Why would I need my ass kissed and my dick sucked?
I'm God.
Why would I need to hide, and require blind belief in me?
What would I be scared of?
Sticks and stones.
A three year old learns that shit.
Hell, I'd punish anyone who tried to invent blasphemy.
Theodicy would be obsolete.
I wouldn't allow evil.
"Without evil, we wouldn't know what good is!".
Nature inflicts plenty to be miserable about without there having to be psychotic assholes on top of it.
A guy who burns his hand on a stove quickly figures out "geez, it would be GOOD if I didn't have that happen again".
Nope, fuck evil, evil would be done.
"But what about free will?".
Bible-God assrapes free will all the time anyway.
That whole "hardened Pharaoh's heart", deal for example.
I'd resolve my existence, poof away theology, and patch some things up in the world.
And I wouldn't get in the way of scientific progress, either.
Why would I fear that?
I'm God.
What kind of a God wants mental-midgets for followers?
What, he makes the universe, but he's scared of humans building Starfleet?
How does that work?
And look at this, I'm just some guy on the internet, and I've described a better God than a bunch of desert goat-fisters came up with over centuries.
It wasn't even hard.
I could have done it in less space if I concentrated harder.
So, someone walk me through where religion gets its moral superiority from.
I'm missing something somewhere.
"I'm not a socialist but...".
March 28th, 2019
Fellow liberals, could you please knock it the fuck off with qualifying whatever you're about to say to a conservative with "I'm not a socialist, I believe in free market capitalism BUT...".
That middling pseudo-compromise bullshit is how we got in this mess.
The Trumpsters are gonna call you a commie in that dogfood blob they call a brain anyway.
Fuck 'em, don't filter it, hit 'em with both barrels of AOC quotes right in the fucking face.
They haven't earned the soft sell.
They blew it three goddamned years ago.
We aren't the ones that need to apologize for existing, they are.
They're the ones that need to hang their heads nervously and go "I'm not a crypto-fascist but..".
And the update..
March 28th, 2020
Fucking Buttigieg was the "I'm not a socialist but...", candidate.
We've got enough of these coward fucks in this country they want representation.
Polite dinner conversation.
March 29th, 2013
I hear the terms "unthinkable", and "unspeakable", thrown around a lot.
I dunno, I can mentally picture pretty much anything, and can remember a real-life example of it I either saw, or read about somewhere.
Everything's thinkable.
And whatever's thinkable can be wrapped up in language.
And I've no qualms about transmitting it to my typing fingers, and/or vocal chords.
Much as it would boost my ego, I refuse to accept I have the greatest imagination on Earth, so...these are just wimp-terms.
They've got to go.
"Not for polite dinner conversation", always bothered me too.
Well, then what is for "polite dinner conversation"?.
"How was your day"?
Well, what if my day included an olive oil orgy, and then chasing a turd monster through the sewer with an UZI and a machete?
I can't discuss my day because it's not "polite"?
This is a holdover from tight-ass Victorian times.
Our lexicon really needs a cache cleaning.
And the update..
March 29th, 2020
Once Trump made "grab 'em by the pussy", okay to say on the news, I think "polite dinner conversation", pretty much had its last death wheeze.
Saying "death wheeze", during coronavirus turned people off, I think.
60 Minutes and perserverence porn.
April 5th, 2020
America has this hard-on for something called "perseverance porn".
Especially our news media.
I wish I could take credit for the term, but I heard it elsewhere.
Best example, a story of a little girl opening a lemonade stand to pay for her mom's operation, and they tell you the part about the lemonade stand, and how adorable the girl is, but not that she only made 4000 bucks of the needed 100 thousand bucks.
And they definitely don't talk about our fucking broken system that causes this shit to happen in the first place.
Tonight's 60 Minutes is all perseverance porn for the victims of the economic side-effects of covid19, but nothing is said about the system, or Trump.
Fuck you, you may as well have not bothered.
Fucking failures.
Snobbery dissected.
April 7th, 2016
You know what makes you a better person than most people?
You might be tempted to say exploring space, or saving lives, or curing diseases, but you'd be wrong.
It's your taste in things, particularly, food, music, and movies.
What you put in your mouth to turn into fecal matter, that's really important.
If you're not paying top dollar for your future-feces, especially future-feces with a frilly French name, well, you should just be put down like a rabid dog.
Also, people putting on makeup, and pretending to be other people is the most important activity there is.
We give trophies to those people.
Being meticulous about what face painted pretending people you watch is an art form unto itself.
Also important is the act of controlled screaming.
Listening to recordings of controlled screaming means nothing if they aren't the RIGHT SORT of controlled screamers.
And if your friends aren't impressed by your tastes in controlled screaming, vicarious make-believe, and making fancy feces, well, then you need new friends.
Sophisticated friends.
Preferably ones that haven't explored space, saved lives, or cured a disease, or they might try to one-up you.
Yeah, Paula Kirby.
*Middle finger*
And, that's those.
Up next, another batch of weird/humor/musing stuff!!
Previously with SFF-
Hypocrites, Part 6. (SFF #45)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
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