Stuff from Facebook #41.
Post 44 away from 3000 posts!
Yep, these are back!
That notepad fills up quick!
BUT, this time, I'm not trying to hit a milestone number, so I'll just throw everything in, instead of breaking it up into a jillion little posts.
How to spot the bad guy.
February 11, 2018
Any religion or political ideology that starts with "first we burn this society to the ground, then...", that's the bad guy. That's the BAD guy you're listening to. Walk away. If they get aggressive, and won't let you go, THEN you kill 'em.
Faith is bullshit, Part 2. (Part 1 here)
February 12, 2014
Here's another reason I know religious people really don't believe in religion.
The Bible says Heaven will pretty much be groveling before God for all of eternity.
Eternity is pretty fucking huge, you know.
It's not 100 years, it's trillions and trillions off into infinity.
Groveling forever is hellish, and you know it, and you don't want to do it, and I can prove it.
You leave church.
If groveling forever is so much fun, why ever leave church?
Stay there 24/7 if it's so great to supplicate to Jesus.
No one does it. No one ever will.
Everyone goes home, takes a shit, watches TV, watches internet porn, listens to music, whatever they do.
Everyone would rather do that shit.
No one wants to go to Heaven, not really.
It's something people say.
More meaningless horseshit.
And to those that imagine their own personal version of Heaven that's got prostitutes, and infinite buffets, etc, etc, sorry, not in the Bible.
It's just not there.
I looked.
Closest you get to that is terrorist Heaven.
And Christians that don't even go to church anymore?
Bam. Slam dunk. Debate over.
You believe in something, but it ain't the Bible.
And the addenda.
And in the first place, deep down, no one believes anyone goes anywhere when they die.
If you really, really, really, really, REALLY believed death wasn't the end, your reaction to death would be anywhere from indifference, to bliss.
Every funeral I've been to, the religious have been the hardest bawlers.
They don't believe it.
Not in the deepest reptilian recesses of their brain.
Not where it really matters.
Religion has this ONE job, and it can't even do it.
Know who I think believes it?
And those Buddhist monks that roasted themselves.
That's conviction.
Everyone else is playing some sort of societal make-believe.
And those crucifix necklaces don't mean anything.
Know where I've seen the most crucifixes?
I lost count of all the damned crosses I've seen bouncing up and down in those things.
Hey, at least vampires won't ever mess with Vivid, or Bang Bros., or Naughty America.
"Christian conservative", is a contradiction.
March 4, 2014
Look, Jesus was ambivalent (at best) to money, he hated rich people, he wasn't a war monger, and Republicans are the exact opposite of all of that.
If you're a "Christian conservative", go get your fuckin' head shrunk.
You're living a lie as surely as a closet homosexual that hates other homosexuals.
And I don't care how many of you there are.
Popularity doesn't impress me.
If that worldview really is "real America", then fuck America.
Fuck it with a red rubber dick.
I don't think it is. It's a fake America made by the propaganda ministers.
But if it were, if it rubber dick.
I'm just sayin.
International women's day.
March 8, 2016
Happy international women's day!
Ladies, you can do whatever you want, especially to Ryan Reynolds, just don't bust any ghosts.
If you bust ghosts, I'll become a man-baby, and lose my shit.
And the update...
March 8, 2018
...and vote Trump, and light a tiki torch, and chant "you will not replace us!", even though that doesn't mean anything, and run someone over with a truck, and get brought in alive cuz I'm white, and post horrible Pepe memes, and defend a child molester running for office, and give Trump "a mulligan", for his affairs, and blame innocent teenagers for their own massacre, and mock innocent teenagers for crying over their dead friends, and mock innocent teenagers for crying over the NRA being too fucking powerful, and suddenly think Putin is pretty cool while pretending the 80's didn't happen, and start a conspiracy theory about a child prostitution ring in a pizza parlor, and call Harvey Weinstein's accusers gold-digging bitches, and all of this while claiming faith in Jesus!! Wheeee!!! ...anyway, happy international women's day.
And the other update...
March 8, 2019
Or fly around shooting energy bolts out of your hands.
Don't do that either.
That'll make me spam Rotten Tomatoes.
Or fly around in a magic time machine with a magic wand with buttons on it.
Don't do that.
Anything else though....
Unless something else pisses me off, and goes on the list...
Misogynists can go eat a knife.
March 7, 2016
The Ghostbusters thing got me thinking about men who come right out and say they hate women comedians period.
That baffles me.
I could see if we were back in the early 80's, and it was just Elain Boozler, and Rita Rudner, where it really was the stereotype of whining about men, and relationships, but Rosanne came along, and blasted that crap off the stage with a bazooka, and we haven't looked back.
And I could see not liking this or that comedian over the other, but not liking ALL of them??
With the variety of styles out there, you don't like ANY???
I was blessed, and never knew it.
My mother was always funny, her friends were funny, my grandmother was a riot, so I always knew women were funny.
To get to adulthood not thinking women are funny, the women in your life must have just been the absolute fucking pits.
Just a total miserable fucking drag.
I have nothing but pity for those men.
And I pity their poor spouses.
Holy shit, what a pain that must be, trying to enjoy Amy Schumer or Sarah Silverman, and you can't even talk about it, because this stunted bitter loser has a chip on his shoulder.
Even more troubling when I saw otherwise smart people like Hitchens spout this nonsense.
And the update...
March 7th, 2020
There's a word for men who hate women. Misogynist. End of.
And the addendum to the update...
Okay, you get to hate Anne Coulter for spreading bigotry, or Sarah Palin for spreading ignorance, or Jenny McCarthy for spreading disease.
Shit like that.
Actual harm.
Crying about women comedians, or Ghostbusters, or Doctors Who, go swallow a fucking knife.
These damned whippersnappers!!
February 28, 2014
The thing that sickens me about swinging, is it destroys the sacred institution of adultery.
Nailing a guy's wife while he's hiding in the closet, and obviously jerking off, just spoils the moment. What happened to values?
And the update...
February 28, 2020
Ex-actly! All these bi-poly millennials are ruining our sacred institutions that hold civilization together!
Like soaps!
What are the soaps gonna do for drama if everyone can just bang???
Superhero bubble.
March 5, 2015
I keep seeing in articles, and board posts, an assumption of "the superhero movie bubble eventually bursting".
Some assume it, some wish it.
I think it shows rank prejudice.
No one ever asks when the "rom-com bubble", will ever pop.
No one ever asks when the "action bubble", will pop.
No one asks when the fucking "race car bubble", will pop.
Why only superheroes?
Why do they only get a bubble?
Fuck you people.
"Never", is when.
By the time they run out of characters and ideas, the reboots will come.
They're here to stay.
If you don't like it, don't watch 'em.
Wes Anderson will always have a movie for you every damned year.
He'll make them until he dies.
Simmer down.
And the update...
March 5, 2018
Black Panther is closing in on a billion at the worldwide box-office. Keep dreaming "superhero bubble", people. Keep fucking dreaming.
And then Captain Marvel made a billion, then Infinity War made 2 billion and change, and then Endgame made almost 3 billion, then Aquaman made the first billion for DC, and Joker made the second.
And then Joaquin Phoenix won best actor at the Oscars for Joker.
Barring coronavirus killing everyone, superheroes are here for good.
Suck it, haters.
Suck it deep, and choke, and well up tears.
Bye, Boy Scouts!! Byyyyee!!!
February 18 , 2020
(Reacting to an article on the Boy Scouts filing bankruptcy due to sex-abuse lawsuits)
Good riddance!
I wasn't molested, but I hated that shit.
When nervous parents in the 80's wanted to make their weird kid normal, the school counselors flipped a coin, and shoved either Scouts, or Four-H down your throat.
Let your weird kid read his horror comics in peace, would ya?
"Oh, but they might not become PRODUCTIVE CITIZENS!!".
This brainwash mindset that if the capitalist system isn't squeezing the right amount of juice out of you, your existence doesn't matter is a fucking disease.
I swear, just like anti-vax parents would rather their kid be dead than autistic, there have to be some that would rather their kid be finger-banged than a "loser".
What a nightmare this country is.
I've never enjoyed it on its own terms, I had to find the fun in subverting and resisting it and its stupid structures and institutions.
And scouts was one of 'em.
And then they were corrupt and perverted on TOP of being a tedious pain in the ass?
Again, good riddance.
And the addendum...
Okay, knife maintenance, and fire starting. I enjoyed learning those.
Those were handy.
See? I'm not all negative after all.
I thought of an upside.
The hypocrisy of those who decide what rude is.
February 27, 2014
Here's yet another thing that's always chapped my ass.
All the little glitches in social manners that expose it all as a facade, and a pretense, and a total contradiction of what it's supposed to accomplish, that being, people being nicer to each other.
Easiest example, you tell a joke that bombs, because someone in the group is too fucking "sensitive". Everyone goes silent, dry coughs, makes you feel uncomfortable, and like a freak.
THAT isn't rude??
Fuck it ain't!!
It's fuckin' RUDE.
I could see if it was "I sure am glad your mother died, she was a smelly cunt", but "*lame sex pun in a conversation about lame sex puns, but yours get a teensy bit too raunchy*", gets treated exactly like "I sure am glad your mother died, she was a smelly cunt".
The fuck.
Worse, the joke that bombs, or the comment that's "too weird", and you're just talked over.
What book were you fuckers reading??
I want to study this copy!!
I want to see the rule that says "if your friends jokes are too weird, all rules are nullified, treat him/her like dogshit".
Where is it?
Point it out.
If it ain't written down in a book, fuck yourselves.
I've run into it all my life, I've seen it done to my friends, it fucking exasperates me.
It boils down even more simply to "if you do this little tiny thing, or neglect to do this little tiny thing, it gives me license to be a HUGE asshole!".
Cocky lips/fuck RFRA.
February 26, 2014
To all the restaurant owners that don't want to serve to gay people, you do realize, that even confining your clients to heterosexuals, half of everyone there has had a cock in their mouth, and is therefore getting their cock-y lips all over your silverware, right?
And the other half?
Rug munchers.
Sorry to tell you.
Aaaand, there's that batch unloaded.
Previously with SFF-
Stuff from Facebook #1-40 compilation.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Hypocrites, Part 5.
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