Stuff from Facebook #17
In every single way there is to suck, stupid people find a way to suck it.
November 2nd, 2013
Fuck, as much as it gets me down that I'm surrounded by stupid people sometimes, I'm SO glad I'm not fucking stupid.
That cheers me right he fuck up most times.
You would think, you would THINK that being stupid would make you happy.
You would think, being stupid, and everyone else being stupid, the world would be your oyster.
You'd "fit in", wherever you go, everyone would would agree with you, you'd all like the same stupid mediocre shit, and you would think that state of affairs would make you fucking happy.
You would think it would be bliss.
You would think that.
But they're not happy.
On top of being stupid, they're all empty, unfulfilled, miserable fucking people.
The proof of it, is the divorce statistics, and the sales figures on alcohol, and anti-depressants, and the ubiquity of the advertising these awful corporations can afford, and how crowded our fucking jails are, and on and on.
The cold-blooded facts attest to how full of loathing these scabrous wretches are.
The stupid people own the world, they decide what useless meaningless products get shoved down our throats, everything's catered to them, everyone kisses their asses, their dollar decides what shitty movies we all see, their votes pick our horrible, HORRIBLE politicians, the LEAST these knuckle-dragging motherfuckers could be, is HAPPY about it.
But, nope, on top of all that, they're miserable ingrates.
And, they're even too stupid to know why they're miserable.
But they are, and they're dragging the rest of us down.
Here's a bargain, if this garish, ugly, fascist, striving, conformist, consumerist nightmare of a world doesn't make you assholes happy, can we please be rid of it, and try something else?
Okay, fuck you then.
Previously with SFF-
Erec-Shawn. (SFF #16)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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