Stuff from Facebook #20
A thematic trilogy!
Marketplace of ideas.
March 23rd, 2018
Here's another phrase Libertarians can go shove up their ass.
"Competing in the marketplace of ideas".
Sounds noble and democratic, but it's really a cute euphemism for "we shut up who we don't like, because it's heroic when we do it".
It's a pretty sounding phrase, until you realize, the marketplace that sells orange juice, and soda, and hamburgers allows a lot of dirty tricks and lies.
And if your lawyers are clever enough, you can even get away with poisoning some kids.
Truth ought not be run like a marketplace.
I prefer this thing we already have called debate.
It works just fine at exposing the stupid.
The stupid hate that.
That's why they want their bullshit to be sold like orange juice.
"Wahhh! Let me cheat! Let me cheat!!".
Fuck off.
80's advertising.
November 6th, 2016
Been watching shitloads of 80's commercials. Both nostalgic and horrifying at the same time.
Big change I've noticed in advertising today from the old days, is they just get in and out and tell you about the product now.
80's ads were full of manipulative heart-string shit.
Trying to get you to associate their junk with either familial love, romantic love, or patriotism.
Babies taking naps on piles of Kleenexe to show how soft it is, and a mother welling up all soggy eyed with motherly joy while wiping her eyes with the same Kleenexe.
Shit like that.
The transition away from that horseshit was so gradual, I didn't notice it going away, but good riddance.
How utterly vile.
Just watched one where a first grade class sings a song about their hard-nosed teacher who helped them learn, so they take her to MickyDees (gee, thanks...) and one little boy finishes the lyrics to the song with a choked up "we're sure gonna miss ya".
It's just fuckin' burgers!
Fuck you, you sick bastards.
Madison Avenue has a lot to answer for for just the "Mad Men", days alone, but I'd forgotten how residue of the twisted manipulation lingered on well into the 80's and 90's.
Come to think of it, there must have been legislation against that kind of stuff, because it never goes away on its own.
Here's that ad.
Hardnose Mrs. Hatcher.
*Dry heave*
Selling out.
Novemebr 13th, 2013
I've never heard of anyone being on their death bed, and wishing that they'd sold out more, conformed more, been more of a phony, been more of a bootlicking asskisser. Funny that.
*Stands over Mrs Hatcher's death bed as the heart monitor goes flat*
We're sure gonna miss ya!
*Presses a button, and she goes down a chute into a hamburger grinder*
Previously with SFF-
Parenting tips. (SFF #19)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
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