Monday, January 26, 2009

History of the internet part 3- Adventures in Libertarianism.

So, it's after the TrekBBS exodus (see part 1 & part 2) , and a new age had dawned.

And within that, began my adventure in Libertarianism.


What to say about Libertarianism...
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

A quickie rant on Republican homophobia.

Ranted this on the forums awhile ago, like, before the elections, roundabout the time Hillary was still battling Obama, and just a little bit after Palin showed up.

I was going to throw it up here back then, but I lost track of shit for awhile.

I was going to doctor it up a bit, but I think it holds up on its own.

Oh, and "DP", isn't double penetration, it's a poster called DarwinsPitbill.
Although, after awhile, I took to calling him Double Penetration for a larf.

Anyway, homophobia is fuckin' dumb.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Francisco's money speech, by Ayn Rand- Nitpicked.

Ho, boy, is this gonna get me in trouble with some folks I know.

Well, sorry, but I've had Ayn Rand twisting around in the gears of my mind for awhile now, and as part of my personal quest to evolve intellectually, and to keep my sanity, I just finally had to reject some of these ideas, so, this is something I have to do to exorcise the bad ju-ju from my noggin.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Kudos, to Sully.

Watching coverage of the plane crash in the Hudson, and it's all "miracle", this and "God", that, and this is right what I'm talking about.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, God shmod, why'd he let the plane crash in the first place?
Why not steer those geese out of the way?

How about thanking the pilot?
How about that?

His name is Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger, III.

Here's his pic.

Awesome piloting, man.

Course, he don't need my dumb little blog, he's going to the inauguration, I'm just reminding everyone in eyeshot.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The War On Bullshit.

Christopher Hitchens once said that the war on terror is in fact part of a larger war on religion.

Well, I dunno about that exactly, as I've disagreed with a lot of how the war on terror has been fought, but the overall point is taken, and I'll go him one better.

I think the war on religion is part of a larger war on bullshit.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Torrent Too!

Historians note:
You totally have to have read Torrent 1, and the stories that comprise Torrent 1.5 to be up to speed with this story.

It also wouldn't hurt to read The Krazyfool Show, Harry Hembock and the Zone Dweebies, and Nobody Loves Harry Hembock for extra background.

Steve tapped out a button combination on his multi-purpose arcade cabinet, and a Little Debbie oatmeal cream sandwich cookie popped out of a slot at the bottom.
He tapped out another combination, and anticipated a bottle of Sam Adam's Spring Ale, but nothing came out.
He tapped out the right button sequence again.
Still nothing.

Steve froze.
His eyes bulged.
"Oh shit!".
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