Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Let's fast-forward: 15th anniversary revisit.

Wow, I went to update this (Let's fast-forward), and its been 15 years (and a month) to the day.

Nothing in here I'd change except a couple biggies.

Yeah, no. This is never happening.
Libertarians side with capital to the bitter fucking end.

I got fooled by this guy's daily bullshit rants for years.
And "Demolition Man".
"Demolition Man" is bullshit too, I'm sorry to say.
Why did us lefties ever fall for "Demolition Man"?
Fuck "Demolition Man".
Especially Denis Leary's character.
No, Denis Leary would totally join Wesley Snipes.
Fuck that movie.

The Trump presidency debunked all of this.
The crackdown on the George Floyd protests, Charlottesville, January 6th.
Your "libertarian" friends will turn Nazi on a dime.
They side right with the bad guys they cried about all through the 00's and 10's.
They're fake.
They're hella fake.
Quick fix to this. Don't have libertarian friends.
And don't read fucking Dilbert anymore. You shouldn't have been anyway.

This bit right here.
This is who libertarians are.
Hoarding their guns, and gold bars, and dehydrated meal buckets.
They all want to be Lord Humungous.

And they want society to burn to get us there.
They aren't even sneaky about it anymore.
And they want you and me to die.
They hate our guts.
They aren't sneaky about that either.

Man, remember when we only thought big scary Muslims were our villains?
How quaint.
How adorable.
*Looks at the fascists still nursing their 9/11 hate boner 23 years on*
Well, okay, maybe not so much.

So, yeah, there's that update.

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