Sunday, July 14, 2024

And, now the RGB comparison mini-thon.

Watched just enough of my favorites to equal a movie.
It ended up being just the right ones for this.

Thing about RGB is, no one, including the makers of GB1, knew we were ever getting GB2, so the makers of RGB had card blanche to sequelize GB1 the way they wanted without fear of contradiction.
Then GB2 contradicted them. 
But from '86 to '88, as far as we knew, we were watching a zillion little Ghostbusters sequels.
So, the first two eps of this mini-thon had that in mind.

-Citizen Ghost (events of immediately post GB1. Slimer living in the firehouse origin)
-Take Two (Adventure during filming of GB1; explains why the guys look different)
-When Halloween Was forever (Samhain very similar to Garakka)
-Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster (like the title says)
-The Collect Call Of Cathulhu (Lovecraft-verse; Busters team with a spellcaster)

That was a good sit.
I need to fire these up more often.

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