Sunday, July 21, 2024

Celebrity shitlist 9.

These two I owe to the RNC last week.

-Hulk Hogan.
-Dana White (CEO of UFC).

Hogan first.
I already knew he was a racist piece of shit from his leaked sex tape.
Who the hell fucks, and instead of being all "boy, that was some good fucking" is all "so anyways, n-words...".
So, it was always a safe bet he was not just a Republican, but  a Trump-ublican.
But, he just finally came all the way out of the closet at the Trump-vention, so any mealy-mouths that want to make lame excuses to hold onto their childhood nostalgia have no wiggle room anymore.
Fuck y'all.
And fuck the whole WWE.
Vince McMahon is a Trump buddy going way back.
Anyone who can watch all the "Dark Side Of The Ring" episodes, and have any misty-eyed feelings for that organization anymore is too fucked in the head for me to converse with.

Now, Dana White and UFC.
I wasn't into it, but I was never anti either.
Until now.
Fuck the UFC. Fuck Dana White.
Before even coming out as a Trump guy, he's an exposed-on-video wife beater.
Trump got introduced by a fucking wife beater.
To cheers. So, y'know, fuck the GOP and everyone in it.

Something about contact sports attracts fascists like flies to shit.

Storm, the guy I knew who got outed as full Nazi; his social media feed had both an article of how to "build and defend your community" at the gym, and then a cartoon of Hitler being a guy's spotter.
So, apparently, meathead gyms are a recruiting station for Nazis.
So says actual Nazis.

I'm sure when they hand out the pamphlets, they don't flat out have the swastika on there.
I bet some bald idiot comes up to you, and goes "you know...there are legitimate concerns about trans people in bathrooms.." and they give you a copy of Helen Joyce's book.

So, yeah, fuck UFC, WWE, meathead gyms, and contact sports.
I view all that shit askance now.

I viewed UFC somewhat askance by having Joe Rogan as ring announcer anyway.
Whenever I thought of it at all, which wasn't often.

WTF happened to the days of Muhammed Ali being a leftist conscientious objector?
Boy, those days are long gone, huh?

Well, this just re-ups my commitment and resolve to pacifism.
Everything kicky-punchy sooner or later gets swallowed by the swastika.
We're seeing it in real-fucking-time.

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