Thursday, June 13, 2024

Post-Deadpool 3 Marvel, Part 4.

Word on this is a thin trickle, but that it even exists in Kevin Feige's head is important.

The Scarlet Witch solo movie.
Yep, she's not dead!
Either they planned it all along, or they're apologizing.
If it's the latter, they'll never own up.

As a comic reader going back to my single-digit ages, its been thrilling to see mainstreamers go all the way from not knowing who the Hell she is (and me having to explain), to knowing, to loving her

When I was little, I had a deck of giant playing cards with Marvel heroes on them, and Scarlet Witch was one of the queens, so she's always been a biggie.

Been wild seeing her elevated in the public imagination next to Ripley, Sara Conner, Princess Leia, etc.
Hope the solo flick is her redemption arc.
It would pretty much have to be, wouldn't it?
Her "Return Of The Jedi" but hopefully, without a second death.

Geez, I hope it's not another goddamned prequel, like "Black Widow" and they're keeping her dead.
They wouldn't fucking do that, would they?
Her origin is told well enough in "Age Of Ultron" and "Wandavision" and MoM isn't long after "Wandavision".
I mean, you can find gaps in the timeline to cram extra pre-adventures, but they're not very interesting.
Sequel is the only good option, IMHO.

Nah. Gotta be sequel. Gotta be.

Whelp, stay tuned.

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