Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ghostbuster day news from yesterday.

Well, it's supper time of the following day, so I can safely say now it was....


Well, not nothing-nothing, but for the 40th anniversary, pretty goddamned disappointing.
There were whispers we'd get a late-night reveal of the new Netflix cartoon.

We got some toy stuff, and some video game stuff I don't give a shit about.
Virtually all of that continues to wallow in the nostalgia of the first two films.

For the 40th, you'd think they'd look back at the whole franchise!!
Y'know, like the decade biggies for Star Trek!!
The 5 films (including goddamned ATC!!), the cartoons, the comics, all of it.
Nope. Nothing. Toy shit like every other goddamned boring news day.

Christ, last year had the first teaser poster for "Frozen Empire".
That was a nice little tasty treat.
Yesterday? Zilch.
And like I said up top, they had some shit to talk about.
The cartoon show.
The cartoon movie.
RGB on MeTV Toons.
They didn't even try.
Jason Reitman had a "Frozen Empire" screening...but it was just that.

I dunno, FE did struggle at the box-office. 
Not as bad as ATC; it got up over the hill, but it had to limp up there.
Maybe that fucks up their future plans, and they're ashamed?
I dunno.

No, fuck it, it's the 40th; plaster on a grin, and fucking TRY.
Goddammit!, so yeah.

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