Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Madame Web trailer.


Madame Web is the central character, but it's a female spider-based mini-Avengers.
Which is what "Glass Ceiling" was going to be.
Damn, that took 9 years!
Sony is tenacious I'll give them that!!


...and here's some other Spider-Woman...

Update: Ah, this is Aña Corazón, AKA Arana

...and some other Spider-Woman.

Update: Ah, this is Mattie Franklin, AKA....Spider-Woman. 
Yeah, they gotta change that to avoid mix-ups.

I think them in costume is a telepathic glimpse of their future selves.
They're probably out of costume for most of the flick.

Oh, and Spider-Man of the Venom-verse is evil, apparently, and the main plot is them taking him down.
So, there's that!
Brace yourselves for the CHUD whining!

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