Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Meanwhile, in Sony-Spidey-land!

I heard about this awhile ago, but there was no hard confirmation.
The news outlets were wishy-washy.

Well, now an interview in Variety drives it home casually like it was the weather.
So, here we go.....

Sydney Sweeney is Spider-Woman!!

Finally, we got the goddamned casting!
She's going to premiere first in Madame Web, then get her spinoff.

Jessica Drew (as the character) is out.
Now she's Julia Carpenter, the redhead with the black suit from "Secret Wars".
Surely, she's a variant, because "Secret Wars" Julia is a background character in "Across The Spider-Verse".
Jessica Drew in "Across The Spider-verse" is a blaxploitation chick on a motorcycle.
So, the multiverse is blurring who's who.

Director is S. J. Clarkson, who's done a million shows, including "Jessica Jones" and "Defenders" for Marvel before.

Previously with the long-ass road to this movie...

-Olivia Wilde as Spider-Woman director. (no idea if this is still the case)

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