Wednesday, March 27, 2024

So...Madame Web.

Well, if I got to gloat about Captain Marvel's box-office, guess I have to acknowledge Sony dropping the ball with their girl superhero movie.

Yep, it's not just a flop, it's a historic flop.
Next to the likes of "Catwoman" and "Fantastic Four (2015)".

It's the lowest grossing Marvel by any studio, and its been booted out of theaters already.

Sydney Sweeney has shrugged it off like a bullet off of Supergirl.
She's plowing right ahead like nothing happened, and the critics are gushing over "Immaculate"  her horror movie she produced. 
So, she's girl Ed Norton, basically.

I dunno; if it's Ed Wood/Roger Corman/William Castle bad like "Fantastic Four" I kinda wanna see it.
Like I wanna see "The Day The Clown Cried".

Naturally, the CHUDs are creaming their jockeys, because they think this confirms their woman-hating culture war horseshit.
I have a hard time telling if these misogynist Youtubers are telling incels what they want to hear as a cynical grift, or if they get high on their own supply.
I suppose, like Alex Jones, it barely matters.
They fuck up the world either way.

Sony's Venom-verse track record isn't so hot so far.
The Venoms are dumb fun, but Morbius is kinda mediocre.
Kraven doesn't inspire confidence.

They are pumping Venom 3 up to be something special though.

At least they have the Miles-verse, but they only have one left of that trilogy.

There are rumors Sony wants to give back all the Spidey characters to Disney, but....that just sounds like fanboy wish fantasies.

My guess is, that after Venom 3, they'll abandon Venom-verse, and look for ways to keep Miles-verse going with spinoffs.
They may even absorb the Venom-verse into the Miles-verse.
They already have a Miles related mini short out as a sort of commercial for part 3, and they want a live-action Spider-Man Noir show with Nick Cage playing him for real.

So, stay tuned for how all that plays out.
I'll link to this for reference if/when I cave in, and buy "Madame Web" on disk.

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