Thursday, September 7, 2023

Birthday loot 2023 (Part 4).

Third time in a row; got these Tuesday, reviewing on Thursday!

Star Trek: Picard, season 3 (2023)

I repeat just about everything I said there, and add on to it.

This is the last episode of TNG I didn't know I needed, or would ever get.
This is the real ending of TNG.

This is Gen-X's "Undiscovered Country".
And the showrunners know it, and have the UC Easter eggs in there.

This is where we THOUGHT the movies were going to take us after "Generations".
We finally got here.
And it feels incredible.

Now they HAVE to make Legacy, goddammit.

And I need to marathon "Encounter At Farpoint" "All Good Things.." "First Contact" and then from this "Vox" and "The Last Generation".

Across The Spider-Verse (2023)

Previously with Miles...

Previously with multiverse Spideys...

Quality wise?'s a fucking masterpiece.
The new best Spider-Man.
Sony keeps topping themselves.

I know I've said with the last five of them "the new best one!" but I'm right every time.
For this one, the nostalgia crossover cameos are AS good as "No Way Home" and more numerous, but it's the character interactions and arcs that are even better.

As for those crossovers...

Whelp, they did it.
That Spider-verse 1 clip in Venom paid off.
The Spot pops into the Venom-verse.
Also, we get footage of Toby-Spidey and Andrew-Spidey.
And Dr. Strange is mentioned (and thus the events of "No Way Home").
And Donald Glover as live-action Prowler pops up.
And Ganke references "man in the chair" which calls all the way back to "Homecoming".

So, Miles-verse is part of the overall Spidey-verse, and thus part of MCU.
There were hints, but this one jumps right into it, and removes all doubt.

Now for Deadpool 3 to be the "No Way Home" for Fox.

Still a little birthday moolah left.
Stay tuned for one more thing....

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