Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Hey, remember that Toxic Avenger reboot?!!?

Forgot about that, didn't ya??

We got a preview pic yesterday...

...and we're supposedly getting a trailer next month.

I like his weird purplish glow, and I like that his mop is dipped in glowing nuke waste.
Toxie's mop on the posters was always symbolically dipped in waste, but they never actually did that in the flicks.
They're finally going there now.

I like the dark Blumhouse horror look to it.
But, I hope the humor is there too.
We'll see.

Nothing to do now but twiddle our thumbs some more.
This is like the rock tumbler of movies.

Stay the fuck tuned.....


B. D. said...

Directed by the poor Paul Giamatti looking basterd from Blue Ruin. Interesting career arc, that.

Diacanu said...

One of the pretentious gits on Red Letter Media said "'Blue Ruin' condemns all vigilante and superhero movies! You can never watch any of those after this! They're trash! This is what would happen!".

Um, no.
I'm becoming full-blown pacifist in my middle age, and I still love superheroes.

And "Blue Ruin" isn't the end all be all of what would happen if you tried to punish some NRA redneck trailer trash.
Violence isn't the only way to get even.
He could have vandalized their stuff.
Committed non-lethal prankery.
Or just written a scathing blog that makes everyone hate the rednecks.
Or, if you're gonna go lethal, and you know you're up against gun-nuts, you don't fuck around, you overpower their firepower with enough explosives and incendiaries to turn their trailer to ash.

Or..yeah. he coulda just let it go.

It's that whole "this is what really happens!" problem with "Watchmen" fanboys.
No, that's what happened in "Watchmen" because Alan Moore rigged the game.
Nite Owl is a pussy, Silk Spectre just sort of exists, and Rorschach is a psychopath.
Where's the good superheroes?

If Alan Moore wrote the history of the Trump presidency, he'd have become emperor in 2021, and all black, Mexican, and gay people would be genocided, and none of this would have met any resistance except ineffectual sign waving.
Nobody in the system would have done the right thing to stop him.
But surprising people like Pence and the Georgia governor did the right thing, and now he's an indicted criminal.

So, yeah, my response to "Blue Ruin" is the same as "Watchmen".
Well...that's one take....*shrug*

Looping it all the way back to "Toxic Avenger" I wonder if "Blue Ruin" guy took the job to try to take the piss out of superheroes.
Well, bring it on, fella.
Do your best.
I've kind of seen it all.
Surprise me.

B. D. said...

The detail in "Watchmen" I keep going back to is that electric cars exist because of Dr. Manhattan, but Vietnam happens anyway and so do its atrocities.
I bet Moore's Trump history would have been climate change/energy crisis solved, but Trump goes ahead and starts a war in the Middle East just to do it. Or maybe the border crisis is solved but Trump separates families anyway. Something like that.

The "Blue Ruin" guy struck me as an emotionally crippled manchild, the kind of guy who is still pissed off about things that happened to him in grade school. Building a thriller around a guy like him was interesting. Too bad the director's next film, "Green Room," wasn't as good.

Diacanu said...

Re: Alan Moore Trump- No, Ozymandias destroys Mexico, and Trump is like "oh no!! That goes too far!! I'm shocked!!! I have a conscience and am a good guy all of a sudden!!

.."an emotionally crippled manchild, the kind of guy who is still pissed off about things that happened to him in grade school".

You basically just described Batman.
Don't pick on Batman, he's doing the best he can!

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