Part 1, Home.
And we continue with....
And we start of with....
The Shmegalamonga coat of arms.
I've never been more proud that I put a snowflake in there.
The Republicans turned full Nazi, and one of the Nazis favorite epithets is "snowflake".
Anything from a fucking Nazi is a compliment.
I'm proud to have it on there, proud its right next to a middle finger, and proud I saw fit to stick it on all the Harry books as my "corporate", logo.
A lot of future predictions in this category coming up.
And a lot of "I fucking told you so", because I fucking told you so.
Now, the links.
What IS a Shmegalamonga?
A whale from the quantum sea.
And the quantum sea is a word I made up for the internet.
So, a quantum fish I guess was good news on the internet, so the blog itself is REALLY good news if it's a whale.
Kind of arrogant, but it's in jest.
Who IS Harry Hembock?
Well, DUH!
But, a newbie might need to know.
The Shmegalamonga mission statement (Part 1)
Two terms of Reagan, two terms of Jr. Bush, and the existence of Dave & Busters are pretty much all I have to point to to show why I'm given total leave once and for all to not take most people seriously anymore.
And now Trump is the final straw.
And it seems like everyone else (with a functioning brain-cell) is finally on the same page as me with this.
And Europe can't even look down their nose, because Brexit is their version of the Trump election.
"The smartest people in the room", have all either turned out to be circus clowns, or failed miserably to stop the circus clowns.
I fucking told you so!!
The Shmegalamonga mission statement (Part 2)
Why I don't censor my blog in excruciating detail.
Cuz you have to head off all the stupid arguments from the meatheads.
The sequel in comments is the Miley Cyrus rant.
While the left were trying to censor each other, the Nazis were saying whatever the fuck they wanted, and used their twisted version of "freedom", to grab power.
Now the left side censorship voices have vanished.
Funny that.
Why, its like they lost the argument, and can't face the music.
Or the guilt.
Huh. Imagine that.
The Shmegalamonga mission statement (Part 3, The Shmegalamonga Coat Of Arms)
It's an illustration of my four I-word rants, so let's dig into those.
Snowflake is for individuality.
And its rant is about all the creeping fascism in our culture.
And if you thought I had a tinfoil hat on then, well, who's fucking laughing now?
I fucking told you so!!!
Middle finger is for insolence.
That rant is about how authority figures are meatheads, and not to be trusted.
I used Toys R Us as an example.
Toys R Us very recently mis-managed themselves into oblivion.
They're gone.
I win that argument.
I. Fucking. Toldyouso!!!
Smirk is for insouciance.
That rant is about fighting/resisting stress, and humorous passive resistance to the Nazis.
My fellow lefties are waking up, and learning that lesson now.
Toldja so.
Hand held up in "no", gesture is insubordination.
Don't salute, don't march in line, don't bow, don't kneel, don't lick boots.
Don't knuckle under to the Nazis.
Quit, flee, strike, protest, obstruct, sabotage, bring their evil machine careening down.
The #metoo people and the the gun control teenagers are learning this one.
And its about fucking time.
I got really tired of the left thinking it would be all right if they just played the game.
How'd that work out?
Toe-jya so.
The Shmegalamonga mission statement (Part 4, The War On Bullshit)
The Trump administration embodies all the shit I talked about in this one.
Religion, pseudo-science, anti-enlightenment, anti-education, poisoning the media, treating the underclasses like chattel, or worse, expendable meat. The whole mess.
I goddamned warned you people.
The Shmegalamonga reading list.
Antidotes to the various poisons.
I've got to add "Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me)", by Carol Tavris, and Elliot Aronson.
Ah, wait, I kinda just did. ;-)
I thought going in that this old material would feel cringe-y.
Maybe my execution was a little sloppy and meandering, but I was on point.
Even in the face of cricket chirp abandonment from people that used to cheer me on.
That shit made me doubt myself, but even in that doubt, I knew if I followed the path of Carlin, and Twain, and Goya, I'd be in the right.
I was right to stick to my guns
If you just wait long enough, history will hammer home the punchline for you.
I'm proud of these ones.
They're what the blog is about, what I'm about, and it turns out, I don't need to change a goddamned thing.
I think I'll even retro add this review to the FAQ itself.
Next up, Harry Hembock.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
The blog in review part 3: Part 2, FAQ.
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Speaking of Europe looking down their nose, I watched the John Oliver "Last Week Tonight" piece on the Italian election and holy crap. What a clown fest. I think Trump takes a lot of inspiration from that Berlusconi dick.
If you'd like the most embarrassing recent bit of Judean Popular People's Front leftism, here it is...Parkland has brought out even worse people than Charlottesville seemed to.
Well, if all of that is true, shitfuckcockballs.
If not, fuck that tinfoil flinging bitch.
Which side are you coming down on?
Oh, and I agree about Berlusconi being a piece of shit.
Ranted about it here.
And I take back the nice stuff I said about Reagan.
I've learned since what a classist racist pile of smegma he was.
I'm just stunned how so much of the ugly Parkland howling on social media has gone from being the usual ugly fight between rednecks/gun-nuts and everyone else about gun ownership, to rednecks and lots of people who AREN'T rednecks agreeing that the protesting kids, Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg in particular, make them sick, for whatever reason. (My side, I sure as hell am not going to care if the AR-15 gets banned.)
First you've got the thing I linked to, which stunned me--these kids don't get to protest because they're not poor enough and the movement can be called "white supremacist" because Emma Gonzalez is distantly related to slave owners in Cuba and David Hogg is the son of an FBI agent? Reminds me of the 1970s when "black feminism" was supposed to be different from "white feminism." And the Popular People's Front bit from Life Of Brian. Like everybody has to splinter off from anybody else and get into fights about how "authentic" or "pure" their political beliefs are.
Then I saw a comment on a board I frequent from some hipsters sneering about David Hogg being a "flavor of the month."
Then a true crime board I read had nearly EVERYONE in a Parkland thread (none of these people are rednecks or gun nuts) hating on Emma Gonzalez because she admitted she said nasty stuff to the shooter shithead (these people are mostly Columbine fanatics and have gone over Columbine details with a super fine tooth comb to prove that bullying was the main reason for Columbine, and it doesn't take a genius to guess that they all probably got bullied horribly in high school) "Oh God fuck that bitch!!!!"
Found more shit on social media after that. Nugh.
These kids sure seem to have made a lot of people mad and I wish we could concentrate on the gun thing.
Ronald Reagan: I have no idea what I would have done in 1980. I have little doubt that I would have voted for Carter if I'd been alive in 1976. Maybe I would have become disillusioned and caved in and liked Ronnie too if I'd been around in 1980. Don't know if it would have been over the Iran-hostage thing, or not.
I think sometimes his critics have blown up the "senile old fart" aspect of his persona to something demonic that it may not really have been--people try to act like he didn't even know how government worked or something like that, and that's probably not true. I bet he did believe a lot of what he said. And of course he was The Great Communicator, an actor in the White House, and today we have a Shit Communicator.
But none of that means I can really come around to liking him.
Reaganomics was basically a fraud and I think that's his biggest influence....we're living with the legacy of something that's never worked and just pumped us into more debt. Right wingers desperately cling to the romantic pat-yourself-on-the-back dream of Reaganomics, the way some 19 year old college liberal hippie might mutter something all wide eyed about how communism might yet work.
Worse still, he and his CIA goons and mustache twirlers helped us befriend all sorts of assholes and dictators and tyrants around the globe and we ended up supporting all sorts of total bastards because of it, I suppose I don't have to list them all, you know who they are. (Obviously he wasn't the first to do this...but it was bad in the 80s.) Reagan and the tyrants he ended up befriending or covertly supporting, that all ties into one of the worst aspects of the human race, the Scarface glorification of being a rich and powerful toxic alpha bully as the only real way to live, or to be a man. And look how many people fall for that shit, or at least cling to parts of it.
So the legacy of Reagan is sadly the old Midnight Oil lyric, "the rich get richer, the poor get the picture."
And look who came of age in the Roy
Hey, you know who Trump's mentor was? Roy Cohn.
You know about ROY COHN right?
Remember how we said G. Gordon Liddy was "America the guy"?
Well Cohn might be an even bigger, more evil, more insidious candidate for "America the guy" than Liddy! (Liddy probably has a higher body count though.)
He hated gay men but he was screwing little boys, and died of AIDS, and told people that the lesions on his face when he was dying were liver cancer.
Even Trump had to admit "he was no boy scout." Wow, Trump telling the truth!!!
This all brings me full circle because it all reminds me of Nixon. I think he fucked up terribly and disgraced the presidency and he was a crook for sure....
....but in some small wretchy corner of my soul, I do feel a bit of tragedy about the guy.
He was one of the most intelligent and brilliant presidents we've ever had, and when a man as SMART as Nixon fucks up and does awful shit, in a way it's sort of worse, or at least more tragic, than when a retard like Trump fucks up. Hey, you'll always hear Nixon called evil but who would ever call him stupid? And what's worse, smart evil or dumb evil? I genuinely don't know.
Finally, there's the matter of George W. Bush, whom I didn't like and probably never will--let's avoid getting nostalgic for HIM...
BUT--I will concede that he probably wasn't actually as stupid as his critics made him out to be. A lot of it was a dumb act on his part. This doesn't redeem the guy. He sucked. But it does mean that perhaps we made a mistake by picking his "stupidity" as the main thing we wanted to go after while he was President. That may have just given his supporters more fire.
Yet look at the contrast--Republicans made him out to be the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan...whereas so many Republicans openly hate Trump! You have to watch poor old fart John McCain buddy up with a guy who STARTED HIS CAMPAIGN BY TRASHING THE GUY'S WAR SERVICE.
*vomits blood for 16 hours* bleaaaahhhhh.
Oh, on a lighter note, I caught "It." Eghn, passable. Will need to see Part 2 to be totally sure. It kinda jerks awkwardly back and forth between the humor and horror but it still blows the old miniseries all to hell. Thank God there was no spider puppet.
first line of that was supposed to be "And look who became a superstar in Reagan's era....Trump."
Re: Parkland kids getting shit from both sides.
Well, the NRA wants their bribes FROM the gun manufacturers and TO the bought senators to keep rolling in, so all the anger on the right comes from their propaganda.
The left side shit? Cowards that don't want to rock the boat, and maybe some Russian plants to sow chaos.
Normally that would be tinfoil hat, but with all the shit coming out about for real Russian social media sabotage, you've gotta suspect it now.
The specific thing you linked to, yeah, those are losers trying to feel special about themselves.
I read a bunch of the comments, and there are some cool people telling her to go fuck herself.
Oh, and Columbine was NOT fucking bullying.
Those little assholes had each other for friends, which is more than I ever had, and they were rich, and one of them had a girlfriend.
And maybe someone called them names, but no one ever laid hands on them ever.
They were spoiled little pussies.
No, this shit is all a smokescreen because people are scared diarrea shitless of any change.
It's pathetic.
They're pathetic.
Take it as a GOOD sign.
If people are scared, then they're beatable.
If they're beatable, and by some little kids, then change is easier than we thought, and right on the horizon.
Re: Reagan.
He WAS the stereotype of the dottering old fool on the tail end of his second term.
The Alzheimer's was becoming apparent even then.
But before that, yes, he beleived his bullshit, and it was evil.
The shit he did to unions, and public schools, especially in black neighborhoods, and him having his thumbs up his ass about AIDS to the horror of his own wife leaves no doubt about where he stood.
Behind his "oh gosh, oh gee willikers", persona, he was a fucking snake.
You can dig up old magazine articles from the day that show how awful he really was.
I expect the conservative media to polish up his legacy, but I've been blown away by how the centrist and leftist media has joined in on making him better than he was.
I belived he was a naive dupe for the longest time because of that, because the truth got buried.
Time and Newsweek from the 80's kept a good log of his crimes, but The Nation really took the gloves off.
Cracked and Huffpost have been digging up that old stuff to remind people.
Well, yeah, even you bring up all the dirty foreign policy shit.
It had a philosophy, and it's called "realpolitik".
Basically, it's that countries are bigger than people, so human morality is obsolete in the face of that, and you just have to screw the other guy harder to get your resources.
It's bullshit.
Run it through a list of fallacies, and it crumbles to dust.
It's just assholes justifying being assholes.
And economists and mathematicians debunked "supply side economics", the second it was uttered into the world.
But the bad guys never win by having a good counter-argument to scientific reality, they just go "fuck you, we're doing this".
Re: Roy Cohn.
That podcast I listen to, The Dollup, did a 3 part 3 hour thing on Trump, and the Roy Cohn stuff is in there.
Along with that Trump beat and raped Ivana, his first wife, because he had painful scalp reduction surgery to hide his creeping baldness, and he blamed her for recommending the surgeon. He sailed on that, because the shitty 80's didn't think marital rape was a thing. She recanted the story, because she was afraid of him financially destroying her, but I believe it. Wish this stuff came up during the campaign.
Re: Nixon.
Yeah, he was smart, but he was fucking conservative.
Frigging Isaac Newton was into alchemy.
Imagine what he could have done without wasting his time on that shit.
It's like if Stephen Hawking was wasting good brain calories on trying to prove flat Earth.
Doesn't matter how good your brain hardware is, if you get a virus in there, it's ruined.
I feel a touch of pity for the guy under the virus, but the 9/11 bombers were guys with viruses too.
Re: Dubya.
Now HE was a naive dupe.
There's a documentary about Cheny that was supposed to make him look good, and made him look worse.
At the end of it, Bush realized what a scumbag he was, and had security keep him away from him.
It was too little, too late.
The damage was done.
Yeah, some of the left going after his verbal dumbness rather than his awful policies, and the two stupid wars, and the trillions that got toilet flushe dinto them, and the needless loss of lives, pissed me off too. There's always a contingeant that goes after the wrong things.
Well, right now, we've got people going after Trump's stupid spray tan and comb over rather than his crimes.
Although, this time, Trump is a thin-skin little bitch, and that shit really gets to him.
So, I understand the temptation.
I remember reading the Rotten Library article on Reagan, which probably wasn't the best place to start but it mentioned how he got a free ride in the press because of his assassination attempt, all kids today learn about that isn't that he got a free ride in the press but rather that a nutjob obsessed with Jodie Foster tried to kill him. Hell, they don't even learn about Alexander Haig!!!
And he was firing all the air traffic controllers around that time....yeesh.
The centrist and left media does give some credence to Reagan's terrible status as a humongous icon. Obama had to claim to like him too. We're stuck with him.
Dubya - What's the Cheney documentary? I'll probably go watch it. Cheney is another good candidate for "America the guy" but Liddy and Cohn are probably more delicious.
Isaac Newton....eghn...people still had some kinks to work out with ye olde science back in his day.
Trump...if "grab them by the pussy" and Stormy Daniels don't take the guy down then nobody's going to give a crap about him raping Ivana either will they? (I'm reminded of that General Hospital rape stuff you were shocked by. Hey it was the 80s!) Cripes, I'm going to be staring at those TIME magazine covers forever the week that happened, "Total Meltdown," and then like three weeks later the dumb bastard was president. Everyone keeps thinking he'll be led out of the White House in handcuffs any day now but I bet the orange dumbass just gets away with it some more. Sigh.
The Cheny documentary is "The World According to Dick Cheney".
I think.
I'm 95% sure.
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