Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Celebrity shitlist 7.

All of the below are Trumpers-

Thomas Jane (Punisher, noooo!!)
Yaphet Kotto (Yaphet, nooo!!)
Joe Piscopo (yeah, that's no surprise)
Brandi Love (pornstar*)
Lorenzo Lamas (ditto Piscopo)
Kristy Swanson (Buffy, nooo!! Wait, I hate Buffy. Haha!! Good!)
Naked Cowboy (meh)
Mary Hart (meh)
Johnny Rotten (Noooo!!)
Wayne Newton (meh)
David Mamet (Noooo!!)

Off the list-

50 Cent repented

*Dammit, why is porn infested with conservative weasels?
Don't they get that Republicans hate them?
You see them with Christian cross tattoos and necklaces too.
Evangelicals hate their guts.
They must be playing the whole "God in my own image" thing.
Well, why not? The evangelicals sure as fuck are.


B. D. said...

The bizarre shift where it's the Republicans who are into all the dirty sex scandals and porn stars and getting in trouble without it affecting their voter base's opinion of them one lousy bit, while the Democrats are associated with prude-ery, is one of the least endearing things about American politics from 2000 onward.
Tell kids today about the Clinton scandal and they're not even interested. Seriously go try it, I've tried it, they're not interested!

David Mamet's the only one of those people I'd even take interest in to begin with let alone knew he'd gone conservative though I had seen it mentioned before. But that's only because it's troubling that *he* would do it, looking at the rest of that list I'm not seeing much of a brain trust in there to be shocked by conservative conversions.
Seriously, I think I'd forgotten Kristy Swanson even existed--and most fans of Buffy the show don't exactly care for Buffy the movie!! What's she even doing today?
I always thought he was overrated, anyway; "Glengarry Glen Ross" was fun to sort of listen to, but I've never thought it had a great point besides "let's watch a bunch of heavy weight actors cuss like hell!!!!"
There's also his play "Oleanna" which I'm betting I'd find terrible today, ever read that one? It's about a girl college student whose professor isn't paying attention to her in an after class meeting and he puts his hand on her shoulder and she freaks out and tries to get him in trouble and the whole thing is supposed to be about how "whichever side you take, you're wrong," but I had to read it for a class and most people in the class, liberals and girls included, thought the girl was being hysterical and that the whole thing was a male playwright just trying to take down bitter feminism. So really he was probably in the quasi libertarian camp even in the 90s

Diacanu said...

Well, Mamet probably was pulling the same trick Matt Stone and Trey Parker did of disguising the guy they agree with as the villain.
Mamet probably is Alec Baldwin in "Glengarry Glen Ross".

Just like I'm decently sure Stone and Parker are all the transphobes, and all their punching down on handicapped people was naked cruelty, and wasn't "making them feel normal".
I'm sure they got some cerebral palsy people to fall for it, but Trump suckered Kanye, so you can always get people to screw themselves.

Richard Dawkins is peddling anti-trans shit along with JK Rowling these days, and I can't get any of my atheist friends to wash their hands of him.
People become sacred cows by inertia.
I'm sure Mamet became a sacred cow to academics in the first place to be where he is.

Remember when liberals used to look up to Elon musk as a hero?
That took some doing on his part for them to wake up, but he managed it.
He's made it unambiguously clear he's an anti-Semitic fascist wacko.

There's still liberals who think Henry Kissinger was a great statesmen.

I dunno how these guy hack liberal brains.
I feel like I'm Roddy Piper wearing the "They Live" glasses.
Whatever hypnotic ray these people give off bounces off me.

I'll admit, Dawkins got under my radar for a good long while, but I never put him up on a statue pedestal.
Maybe that helps.
I dunno.

B. D. said...

The Alec Baldwin character in GGR is only in the movie, not the original play, which was from about ten years earlier than the movie. I have never thought that the Baldwin character was supposed to be anything other than a vicious, hateful parody of winner-take-all philosophies, or at least a take on them that makes you think about why someone would be like that, sort of like Scorsese's take on Jordan Belfort, who was a totally unapologetic prick about everything.
I think part of what made me mention "Oleanna" is that you don't hear about much of any Mamet works in public anymore *besides* GGR, and GGR maintains its popularity much of the time from impressionable young people thinking GGR is something amazingly deep because of all the heavyweight actors and cussy dialogue. I've seen GGR several times and cannot for the life of me recount what the actual *plot* is. When I discussed it with literati types, what I always got was "Oh, no, you grasped what there was to grasp. It's a bunch of salesman pissed off about stuff."
If he was a hero to academics, he's probably lost a lot of that due to switching to conservative.

Maybe Richard Dawkins should die before too many people forget about him, like Christopher Hitchens did.

Oh, liberals MADE Elon Musk, in large part. He was hyped up in fucking Rolling Stone magazine as "The Architect Of Tomorrow," for Chrissakes.
And it was all totally desperate, waiting-for-Superman wishful thinking horsefucker bullshit. That's your answer to "how these guys hack liberal brains"--because a lot of "liberals" are really lazy intellectually and just want some hero to come save everybody so their worries will go away.
"Oh, goodie, this edgelord billionaire puts in a hundred hours a week making some kind of cool car or something. Oh God, he'll save us all from climate change...right? Yeah!! Phew, I was really starting to get worried the--OH GOD NO."
I really hope they're all kicking themselves over that one.
It's one of those cases, too, where the guy's sheer monetary worth means he'll never *really* lose, just like Trump, who just blew $50 million on lawyers who LOST him $83 million, but pththbht.
I mean, if Taylor Swift doesn't take a serious hit from running out on the football field at the Super Bowl to take a big coily orange beer dump on the 50 yard line, they're ALL invincible!!!

Diacanu said...

Oh! Remember when you were complaining about how ugly and awful "Mama's Family" was/is?

Well! I got reading down a Wikipedia hole; it started as a running "Carol Burnett Show" skit, and the writers of the first skit-episode hated their mothers.
So there's that layer.

Then after "Carol Burnett Show" was over, Carol Burnett was in the middle of an ugly divorce, and her ex-husband created "Mama's Family" behind her back, and made Vicki Lawrence the star without her permission, and kind of emotionally blackmailed her into being Eunice for season 1, so there isn't much acting in the Eunice vs Mama fights there.

So, yeah, it's made out of real dysfunction.
Your spidey-sense on that was right.

B. D. said...

I haven't really ever watched very much of that show, just bits and pieces in reruns. I didn't know until I was much older that Vicki Lawrence wasn't actually an old lady when it was filmed (I also didn't know Estelle Getty was wearing old lady makeup on The Golden Girls and was actually younger than Betty White, so there's that.) She also had hit songs in the 1970s.
I think I was just using it as an example of how old shows from the 70s and early 80s looked physically hideous to me when I was a little kid seeing them in reruns on TV, even though they were only 7-15 years old at that point. Like a reference point for the world changing a lot more between 1980 and 1990 than between 2014 and now, or something like that.
I always had that reaction, stuff like "Sanford & Son" and "Good Times" and anything like that always looked ten thousand years old to me. I wonder if anything from 2004 will look really bad and old now?

Carol Burnett had a nice role on "Better Call Saul" in the last season.

As far as stories of actors hating each other, Nicol Williamson and Helen Mirren hated each other due to a bad previous experience working together when they did "Excalibur" (this is also when she was in a relationship with Liam Neeson), so I always see that when I watch "Excalibur." (Of course, we also forget that "Excalibur" had the director directing his own daughter in a sex scene.)

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