Saturday, December 12, 2020

Celebrity shitlist 6.

Couple months since the last one.

Chris Pratt- Belongs to an anti-LGBT church.
50 Cent- Trumper.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali- Transphobe.
Richard Dawkins- Liking her transphobic tweets.
Sam Harris- Ditto.
Jon Voight- Trumper, Biden denier, boomer-hippie-traitor.
Ricky Shroeder- Donated to Kyle Rittenhouse's defense.
Matt Mahingahey- Was on Jordan Peterson's daughter's podcast.
John Cleese- JK Rowling defender.
Burt Young (Paulie from Rocky)- Was in a David A.R. White (Christian wackadoo) movie.
Randy Quaid- Conspiracy wackadoo, Trumper. (overdue for the list)

Man, they're piling up.


B. D. said...

I still likre the Smiths but I dont think anyone cares for Morrissey as a person anymore.

Dawkins and Harris must be a bit of a blow for you huh. Everyone has an ugly right wing side...

Diacanu said...

*Googles Morrisey, and instantly finds an article about what a right-wing douche he's become*
Hadn't heard that.
Or if I did, I forgot.
Well, it's on the list thanks to comments, so...bam.

Re: Dawkins/Harris-
Yeah, I said on Facebook "the atheist movement" is dead.
The friends I made on his site are all that's left.
And we left his site a decade ago for having crappy moderation.
Well, Britain is ground zero of an anti-trans plague with tons of formerly cool Brit celebrities being gobbled up.
It's depressing.
And confusing.
I dunno why they're falling for this shit.

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