Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Section 31 news.

Its been a freaking while!

So, I'll cut right to it.
The show is dead, but it's going to be a movie instead.


So, this movie is just enough to tie up those Discovery plot threads.

But here's a canon bookkeeping question we've never had to tackle with Trek before...

1. The classic-TOS and JJ movies are extensions of TOS, and the TNG movies are extensions of TNG, right?
2. And we get our rattle-off list of hero-protagonists from the shows. Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, yadda, yadda, yadda.
3. Does one movie put Georgiou on the rattle-off list, or does she count as an extension of Discovery?

We never had to deal with 3 before, because of 1 being the rule for so long.


After much consideration...

Georgiou is the star, even if Burnham cameos, so it's like the "Generations" torch pass, so it's its own "show".
So, yes, Georgiou goes on the tally.

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