Friday, July 8, 2011

Fish From The Quantum Sea #4.

Retroactive Feesh...

..basically, the positive/upbeat Podsvilles.

As hinted at and skimmed past in Dicky-Pedia IV...

Just getting these out of the way...patience....

Okay, here we go...

Weirdness- Being/staying sane in an insane world, and anything that helps you do that.
Also, art/music that works toward that end. (see Insouciance)

Insolence- The descriptor given to the behavior of those who refuse to kiss the Godbawlz.

Insubordination- Not saluting and clicking your heels in the presence of The Owners.

A plan- Get one, kids.

Insouciance- How to get through this life without shooting a fucker.

Individuality- A rare commodity in America, and the Greed-Bags don't seem interested in it.

The 9 Snarks- And the 12 suggestions. My parody of the 9/12 list.

This!- The Shmegalamonga coat of arms.

Captain Beeble- You were too beautiful for this world *sniff*.

Harry Hembock Hair- The chick hairdo for the 2010's, apparently.

The one with the names- Postcards From Podsville #34.

Fuck angst- The mantra to keep the Santi Teardrops at bay.

Help me Smee!- An exclamation to describe a hypnoticly repetitive performance/lecture/task/routine/ritual/exhibition/person/etc.

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