Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas loot 2023

No issues with Amazon this year for a change!!
Last year was a goddamned Three Stooges short.

Also, I'm not doing goofy themed titles anymore.

Strange New Worlds, season 2 (2023) 

Son of a bitch; I could have sworn I did a season review for this.
Can't find it anywhere.
I must have gotten depressed, and forgot.
Lot of that happening lately.
Well, I'll do the review I was supposed to after the binge then!

The Sandman, season 1 (2022)

Damn, a year and three months.
You're slow, Netflix.
But, better slow than never.

As excited if not more excited to binge this than I am Trek.

The Others (1990)
Otherwhere (1991)
Otherwise (1993)

That was the digital copies.
Now I have dead-tree copies to adorn my shelves.

*Stares at my ever-growing Margaret shelf; sighs wistfully*

Always gonna miss the shit out of you.

In Calabria (2017)

Another Peter Beagle.
Another unicorn.

Not in the "Last Unicorn" universe per se, but he plays in a sort of loose undeclared multiverse.

Anyway, this one's about a grumpy late-40's hermit, and I'm like "well, that's me. What advice do you have for me, Pete?".

So, it had to be mine. 
I tried to wrestle it down with physical bookstores, but no one could help, so I had to wait for Christmas to rotate back around for it to be an Amazon order.

Also, a mountain of Lindor truffles, printer paper, printer ink, and a new keyboard, cuz I've been drawing letters on the old one with Sharpies for the past 6 months.
And the B key had to be karate kicked to work.
Now it's all good!

So, that's all that!

Merry Christmas, everybody!

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