Sunday, July 30, 2023

RIP Paul Reubens

(Sent back in time from my future-self in August, cuz of all the analysis-paralysis bullshit I mentioned in the Alan Arkin one; plus, the Sinead O'Connor death was still fresh; plus it was my birthday, and a lot of shit was going on)

I think I've said it all before...

From here.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure

A celebration of pure joyous weirdness.
My people needed this movie in a big way.
Came just in time.

Course, it just makes me think...Cyndi Lauper was doing her thing, Pee-Wee was on the rise, Goonies had its message of being a proud misfit, Weird Al was huge...I was under the illusion this cultural atmosphere would last.
...nope...dark times were ahead...
But, in this little window of time, I was truly happy, and in my full power.
Confident, secure, excited about life, active, social, things were really great.
And then....

I think I went on to trail off into moaning and groaning about how the 90's sucked in comparison.
With a big water truckload of hindsight, on a lot of levels, my teenhood was dogshit, but I still lived through some amazing pop culture and history regardless.
I just missed the wacky weirdo stuff of my childhood.
But, I'm finding out in the write-ups for Paul's death, a lot of us feel that way.

On that note!

And from comments in my birthday post...

I miss him already.
I wish some cable network somewhere would syndicate Pee-Wee's Playhouse.

His second and third Pee-Wee movies are ass, but "Big Adventure" is still a masterpiece.
He saved Tim Burton's career from the garbage bin, you know!
The first iteration of "Frankenweenie" bombed so hard, Burton was on the way out, but Reubens demanded him for "Big Adventure" and it was a hit, and the rest is history for Burton.
I mean, yeah, Burton is like a used up boxer now, but we got his good ones.
"Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" "Edwards Scissorhands" "Beetlejuice" "Batman" "Batman Returns".
"Ed Wood". I've always liked "Mars Attacks". I'm part of that small cult.
I see it as an unintentional parody of "Independence Day" that stands the test of time better than "Independence Day".
We have Pee-Wee to thank for all of those.
Without his intervention, Tim Burton ends up in a dumpster with a banana peel on his head.

Also, he was Penguin's dad in both "Batman Returns" and "Gotham".
And! He was Terry's dad in "Reno 911!: Miami".
That character was even weirder than Pee-Wee!

His last words were...

“Please accept my apology for not going public with what I’ve been facing the last six years. I have always felt a huge amount of love and respect from my friends, fans and supporters. I have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you.”

Thank you for the art, Paul.
It was a pleasure.
You will be deeply missed.

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