Thursday, June 24, 2021

Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts.

That's right, I'm actually excited about a Transformers movie thanks to Bumblebee.

And this is technically Bumblebee 2.

As I even said in the Bumblebee review...

Hell yeah, I'm buying this on Blu-Ray.
Transformers '86 and this are all I'll acknowledge.

Until this gets sequels.
There'd BETTER be sequels!!

Wouldn't that just fucking be the way though?
The other 5 pieces of shit rake in billions, and they finally make a good one, and no one goes to fucking see it?

That would just be the fucking way.
This fucking country.
*Laughs, shakes head*

Well, here's hoping I'm wrong.
Bring on Bumblebee 2 & 3.

Well, here comes 2.
Dunno what they'll do for 3.
But more speculation on that later.

So, what's this one about?

-Set between Bumblebee, and Transformers 1, and in the year 1994.
-Main villain is Scourge.
-Optimus is in his classic gen-1 truck form.
-Bumblebee is a dune buggy.
-Other Autobots in it are Arcee, Mirage, Nightbird, Airazor, Rhinox and Optimus Primal.
-Those last three (and the title) indicate it's crossing timelines with Beast Wars.
-If it's Beast Wars, that explains the jump to the 90's. We're going on a decade-by-decade tour, like the X-Men First Class movies.

*Crosses fingers* please be at least as good as Bumblebee.

Rhinox is a fun character; if he's his old self from the show, we're golden.
And if they get Susan Blu for Arcee, they'll be the rest of the way home.

And now, back around to my Bumblebee 3 speculation.
If Bumblebee is the 80's and Generation 1, and Rise Of The Beasts is 90's and Beast Wars, where does that leave three?
Transformers 1 (Bay-verse) kicks in at 2007.
You gotta squeeze it in very early 00's.
What was going on with Transformers in the 00's before Bay-formers?
Are there fans for that era?
There must be.
But in the intensity of Gen1 and Beast Wars?
Those are the golden and silver ages for most fans.

Armada/Energon/Cybertron built up to and came down from Unicron.
And Transformers '86 happened in a fictional 2005 and had Unicron.
BUT "The Last Night" established that Earth is goddamned Unicron.
Which they totally ripped off from Transformers: Prime.

So, they can't play with Unicron without killing the Earth.
So there goes that.

Well, maybe they can do Beast Machines.
It squeaks in at 1999, but the fans aren't too dippy about that incarnation.

It depends on what happens in Rise Of The Beasts.
In Transformers Animated, they had Elita One get turned into Black Arachnia, then get sent back in time to be the Black Arachnia from Beast Wars.
Maybe in ROTB, Arcee becomes Black Arachnia, and the Beast Wars characters go back in time to do the main plot of Beast Wars, and that's Bumblebee 3.

I'd buy popcorn for that.

Yeah, do that, Paramount.
You listening?

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