Friday, December 11, 2020

...but the plague had other plans, Part 23.

Minor update to...

Wonder Woman 1984

Coming to theaters, and HBOMax at the same time, which is still December 25th.

So, you can watch it at home of you're willing to pay 30 bucks.

This is old news, I'm finally catching up to it.

Not only Wonder Woman, WB is dropping their whole theater slate on HBOMax.
This is gonna kill theaters, and other studios and directors are already kicking up a shit fit.

I predicted corona was gonna kill theaters, and here it comes...

I dunno, I hate the slobs, and the hecklers, and the trolls, and the bratty kids, and the cellphone junkies, but when you get a nice crowd, or you go the right time of day that you're alone, I still like theaters.
And it's the one thing that got me out of the house anymore.
The fuck am I supposed to do for a social life when theaters are gone?
I ain't going to bars.
I'm just fucking not.

*Sighs again*


B. D. said...

Unfortunately this doesn't solve much but it's still stunning that someone cracked it after 51 years!

The 2016 indie turd "Wiener-Dog" (a quasi-sequel to "Welcome To The Dollhouse") sucks ass. Dated indie quirk mixed with nihilistic death-related sadness. BLEH!!!! Near zero stars!!!

Diacanu said...

*Googles the cast of "Weiner-Dog"*
Hmm...some good people in there...
Wait, what!??

There's a dude named Haraldo Alvarez, and the pic they use is of Geraldo Rivera!!
I dunno if that's a racism, or just a stupid.

Re: Zodiac killer.
Yeah, they'll perfectly ID him when the last beep on my heart monitor before the flatline beeps in my death-bed.
I'll see it on the news "the Zodiac killer is identified!! We'll tell you who he is after 45 minutes of commercials".
*Beep, beeeeeeeeee.....*

B. D. said...

Jeremy Bulloch dies right after David Prowse, this is NOT a good week to be a Star Wars villain, Andy Serkis had better be checking his pulse.

In all seriousness the real Zodiac is probably just some 60s fucko from California...I kind of doubt it actually is Arthur Leigh Allen anymore. Zodiac nerds favor Richard Gaikowski now but whatever.

IMDb names: if you entered "Fuck" into the search bar, it used to bring up a Japanese actor named Fuck Yokoyama, who appeared in one movie in 1967 or something like that.

There's one good scene in "Wiener-Dog" and it's Ellen Burstyn at the end being confronted by a chorus of identical little ginger girls who all talk like Shireen Baratheon and tell her things like "I'm you if you had been nicer to people!" "I'm you if you'd not given up on life!" stuff like that. Very effective!

Apparently Todd Solondz has just been making this movie over and over since 1995 which reminds me that I've never actually thought "Welcome To The Dollhouse" was that great to begin with, and come to think of it it's just about the kind of movie that most indie filmmakers could probably make with little trouble.

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