Tuesday, January 30, 2024

GBFE second (and third) trailer.

International contains some of the same footage, but is mostly completely different, so it's basically a third trailer.

Watch them both, then come back here.

Okay, as with trailer #1, let's dive into these babies....

Lot of the same character introduction scenes as trailer #1, so we don't have to go over that again.

I won't dissect the whole thing, but I'll just go over the Ghostbusters 1 nostalgia goodies we get.

Walter Peck!!
William Atherton as Peck is in the 2009 video game voice acting, but we haven't really SEEN him since Ghostbusters 1. Ghostbusters 2 had the dickish mayor's assistant, but it wasn't the same.

Library ghost!!

Mini-Pufts again!!

Wait, if Mini-Pufts are leftover pieces of the big Mister Stay Puft, and Mister Stay Puft is Gozer, then Mini-Pufts are pieces of Gozer.
So, are they her horcruxes who can bring her back, or is she gonna stay contained in those traps in Egon's field?
Y'know what? I bet the movie just goes "fuck it, Mini-Pufts are just a thing now".

Its been 8 fucking years since "Answer The Call" and he wasn't in "Afterlife".
We missed you, Slimer.

Slimer slimes Trevor.
We didn't get a sliming in "Afterlife". Podcast got marshmallow-ed, but it wasn't the same.

That's all the old stuff we love, now the new stuff.

A better dead-on full look at the new packs.

Like I said last time...

They still look like cobbled parts and wires; they don't look like futuristic 2020's consumer electronics or nothing. Still that 80's-ish look, but a newer model.

Potts also says she has some other piece of tech instead of a proton pack, so I'm thinking some kind of pistol like Kylie Griffin, or Holtzman, or the Janine action figure.

Well, boy did I nail that!

Janine's gun!!
It even has a wrist band mount like the action figures!!
It's kind of a half way point between a big pistol and a little rifle.
Well...like the action figures.

Her actually wearing it, lest you think the closeup is a deception.

Her wearing it again, but she's too far behind Ray to see clearly.
But Lucky has one too that you can totally see clearly.

We get a flying drone trap going after the dragon thing from the Empire cover.

We get a bigger fancier containment unit with observation windows.
The cartoon had a TV viewer through periscope goggles.
The 2009 game had a small aquarium containment just for Slimer.
So, big zoo display is the next logical step.

Every GB film gives us a new minion ghost.
GB1 had Slimer. GB2 had Scoleri Brothers. ATC had Mayhem. Afterlife had Muncher. Frozen Empire has....Pukey.

9 year old me would have loved him some Pukey.
He'd've had the toy the femptosecond it hit store shelves.
No, he'd be tapping his foot waiting for the stock clerk to get it out of the cardboard box.

Anyway, welcome aboard, Pukey.

Better look at Garakka.
Yeah, I spoiler-ed his name last time, cuz we weren't supposed to know yet. 
It leaked out through a toy.
But, Sony put his name in a puzzle game that previewed the trailer coming, so I guess they want us to know now.

One more thing!

James Acaster as Lars Pinfield fiddling with the plot gimmick, The Gold Orb.
If you watched the trailers, you know this thing summons Garakka.
And Pinfield's hand survives being frozen, but the cast shows it fucked him up, so now he's poking it with a gripper.

But look in the background!
A Ghostbusters 2 slime blower!

There, Ghostbusters 2 is canon, nitpicky whiners.

And, that's the stuff that stood out to me.
Now watch the trailers yourself 12 more times.

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