Friday, January 13, 2023

Happy 34th birthday, Harry Hembock!!!!!!!!


Previous birthdays.

Stuff that happened after the 33rd.

-14th anniversary of Harry Hembock: Dark Designs! (Unobserved)
-17th anniversary of "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock". (Unobserved)

Almost forgot it this year.
It's midnight and change right now, but Google's midnight is 3 AM, so I've got time.

Yeah, I guess I'm done with Harry for a good long while.
The last story pretty much put him out to pasture.

I've snuck him in as a couple Easter eggs in the book I'm working on.
That's about all he needs to be for that.

As mentioned last year, my friend Margaret passed.
I spent all year reading her books, and finally did a review of them all.
(Parts 2, 2.5, and 3)
Then, I did all the books that had stacked up in the last few years.
(Part 1, 2)
And, all of that, plus this year's Christmas books have all the way healed me, and I finally feel like the real deal as a writer, and not an imposter.

So that's good.

Really excited about the new book.
The world and characters are really coming together this time.
I'm really feeling it.
Like something I'd genuinely enjoy seeing up on the screen, and not something I'm frustratingly slogging away at, and embarrassed by.

So that's good.

Yeah, things are in a nice place this year.
Happy Harry day, everyone.

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