Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Star Trek Day 2021 after-afterthoughts.

Ope, Prodigy trailer detail I didn't notice.
I mean, I faintly did, but there was so much to take in (nevermind the other trailers), I couldn't hold it in my memory.

In the first promo images of holo-Janeway, she has the Voyager badge....

....but in the actual show, she has this new gold badge.

Now! We see Jankom Pog find and hold up this badge.....

....then we see Rok Tahk tap it against a console....

...and then Janeway appears.

Soooo, I'm thinking the badge is holo-Janeway's mobile emitter.

Why did the preview material have her with the Voyager badge?
Nostalgia feels.
Hey, the Infinity War trailer had Hulk instead of Hulkbuster-Banner.
They lie sometimes.

Fun little note, I can't remember which one, but one of the TNG novels had that you could tap a badge against a console to get at volume controls, call logs, preferred computer voice, universal translator, etc, etc, etc.
Neat to see this finally get into onscreen canon.

See? I squeezed some speculation out of the Prodigy trailer after all!

Now, to link this back to the 55th anniversary post.

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