Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Mistakes were made....

....but not by Carol Tavris. 

Well, shit....

...Carol Tavris, co-author of "Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me)" is a fucking TERF.
Fucketty, fuck, fuck.
See my Richard Dawkins revisit, and my 49th birthday ramble for my thoughts on that bullshit.

And see here for when I acquired the book, and here for when I reviewed it.
You can see that I loved the goddamned thing.
Now I truly know how Harry Potter fans feel. 😢

Bitterly ironic, since the tactics of the TERF movement so closely resemble The Satanic Panic, and there's a chapter on The Satanic Panic in her own goddamned book that you'd think would be able to cure her.

Reading up on her, and reading between the lines, she seems to have cast doctors giving gender affirming care to trans teens as the Satanic Panic people, and not the fucking GOP who wants them bullied out of public life, and into conversion camps, and/or suicide. 
Or, outright murdered without consequence with the help of bad judges.

Said GOP being who the TERFs snuggle right up to without the slightest "hey, wait a minute.." moment. Or an "oh my God, what has become of me!?" moment.

So, yeah, like all TERFs, the cheese has slid off her fucking cracker.

Well, there isn't a hint of TERF-y-ness in the book, and there's things in there that are the actual antithesis of, and antidote to TERF thinking.
But...I can't recommend the damned thing now without someone good at Googling noticing "hey....this bitch is a fuggin' TERF!! WTF, Mike!?!? 🤨".

That's the fucked up thing; the whole premise of the book is how people furiously avoid having that "oh my God, what has become of me!?" moment.
And boy, does Carol Tavris fucking need one.

Well, it's not the first retroactively ironic book.
Ophelia Benson wrote "Why Truth Matters" then her ass went full-force TERF.

Have I mentioned the atheist movement is lousy with bigots now?

Those friends I lost over this shit?
One of them was the one who recommended MWMBNBM.
I don't know how much down the TERF rabbit hole they are, if at all, but they leapt to a defense of a TERF-lover.
Ostensibly, it was over tone.
My tone when handling bullshit is the same it always was, and this person has had verbal jousting matches that would make the fights in "All In The Family" and "Mama's Family" look like Sesame Street.
So, I'm calling total bullshit on that.

Whether they're all in on TERF, or the TERF-lover has been playing Gríma Wormtongue behind the scenes, or what, they need that "oh my God, what has become of me!?" moment in their lives, and stat.

And they're not going to get it, because Carol Tavris is a fucking TERF.
The doctor making the cure is Typhoid Mary.
See the harm this shit does?
Not just to trans people, but the shrapnel catches everyone.

Yeah, it's fuckin' depressing.
I truly loved those people; but like Amidala said to Anakin, they're going down a path I can't follow.

I wasn't gonna do a blog on this, but I have another book review coming for birthday loot part 3, and I realized I wanna reference this stuff without messing up the flow.

So, there's all that.


B. D. said...

James Earl Jones, RIP.

Diacanu said...

Shit, I gotta do a retroactive RIP for him too. Nothing ever happens when I'm bored and doing nothing; but when I stop to binge a show, and read a book, everything happens, and the list gets huge. Sigh.

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