Thursday, January 9, 2025

TIL: James Cromwell.


TIL, not only did Cromwell Guest star on MASH, he was in the running to play BJ!

Of course, he was also in...

-Star Trek: First Contact (Cochrane. Natch)
-All in the Family (as Stretch Cunningham)
-Maude (twice as two characters)
-Multiple appearances as other characters than Cochrane in TNG, and DS9.
-And on ENT as Cochrane again.
-And oh yeah, a little sleeper indie picture called "Babe".


B. D. said...

"L. A. Confidential," really. Was he ever young?!? John Lithgow was never young, either.

Diacanu said...

John Lithgow would be good for one of these. Don't quite know the plan of attack for it yet though... I've got a "Little house On The Prairie" one brewing. Not fan fawning either. There's a dark side.

B. D. said...

Lithgow was still in his 30s in "Footloose." Were an actor in a 2024 film to look like that I'd guess they were 55 at the youngest.

The earliest thing I've ever seen Lithgow in was Brian De Palma's "Obsession" from 1976, but I thought that was a ridiculous movie, one of De Palma's silliest Hitchcock rips. I'm not going to recommend it.

B. D. said...

You've probably already covered Neil Gaiman, right?
I've never read or seen a single thing of his, I kept putting it off.
I don't know that I can entirely rule out the possibility of that though even if the guy is a creeep creep creep, because I just found out about a month ago that my own personal favorite author had an affair with a 16 year old girl when he was 42, in 1976, and apparently snuck her over the border into Mexico. Ouchie. Well I'm probably not going to stop reading my favorite book because of it (and she doesn't consider herself a victim) and I already knew the guy's marriages were all crap, but it is a little tainted lemme tell ya...

B. D. said...

RIP David Lynch. Poor guy, he could barely stand up or walk across the room without losing his breath completely there at the end, and his wife dumped him too. A very sad end for a visionary. At least we got TP season 3.

Diacanu said...

Re: Lithgow. He was in "The World According To Garp" which in hindsight is insidiously anti-feminist.
Hollywood has kind of swept that POS under the rug.
It pops into my head every couple years to maybe do an anti-CHUD rant on it, but...ehh..
I've got enough material in the pile for that.
I mean, I don't blame Lithgow for the movie, but Lithgow's name coming up, plus fighting with anti-woke CHUDs on boards, plus the Gaiman stuff below just made me think of it.

Re: Neil Gaiman.
I haven't tackled the allegations in a post, no.
I just finally read that article.
I just spent a fortune (for me) on the goddamned Sandman books.
I dunno what I'm gonna do.

Re: David Lynch.
Yeah, I gotta do an RIP for him.
Luckily, I did a career retrospective for him already when I OCD did every horror director ever for one of the Halloweens.
I listened to "in dreams" by Roy Orbison a bunch of times in his honor.
If I were a DJ, I'd drive people crazy.

Sorry for the lateness.
Trying to get all these Christmas books read.
I've barely made a dent.

B. D. said...

"The World According To Garp" - My mom had a copy of the book but I never read it, wasn't this Robin Williams' first stab at something serious? I've really never read anything by John Irving at all, he's still writing but the last I heard of him in the press was when he and Tom Wolfe trashed each others' books in 1998, which was a while ago.

If I had plans to ever read Gaiman they've been put off. I only skimmed the article, BTW, I don't have that much interest, I was just posting it to see if you'd already done him.

It's fucked up with Lynch--I consider myself a fan, but it's really mostly just "Mulholland Dr." and any "Twin Peaks" stuff he directed (pilot, episode 2, episode 6, season 2 premiere, killer-reveal episode, series finale, Fire Walk With Me, all of season 3) that I've really grown fond of over the years. I've never rewatched "Eraserhead" or "Inland Empire" in spite of thinking they were good, I think "The Elephant Man" is okay but kind of simplistic, "Dune" blows, "Blue Velvet" is only good for the Dennis Hopper scenes, "Wild At Heart" has a few good laughs but is mostly cheese, "Lost Highway" goes to crap in its second half (I bought a copy) and (this is the hardest to admit) I'm not a fan of "The Straight Story" much at all, and people LOVED that one.
Well...uh...I'm a fan anyway!

At any rate, some discussion revealed that he was NOT done for--he still had plenty of ideas floating around after "Twin Peaks" season 3 ended.

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