Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Harry Hembock hair on chicks.

Noticed it first on this chick in the E-harmony ad....

But, it's been spreading.
Seen it on a chick in a Snuggy ad, seen it on this blonde actress from some show I don't watch on Letterman, and seen it on some chick on CNN.

Wish I could remember the blonde's name, hers was more Hembocky.

Anyhoo, I've noticed the two big infectious dos for chicks lately have been the Hembock, and the mini beehive bump in the back started by Palin, and made more popular by Flo from the Progressive ads.

Will continue to investigate this.
Will look for more Hembocks and Flos in daily life.
I advise the same from my readers.
Submit pics.
We have to get to the bottom of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what scares me? I think the Sixties beehive 'do is back !


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