Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tch, it's always something.

The "followers", gadget suddenly became an unwieldy behemoth, so I became a follower of myself, and replaced my profile with it, so when you click me, you get my profile anyway.

Bypassing redundancy and all that.

Redundancy Google thrust upon me.


EDIT- Ugh, can't go to my profile page through that thing.
Well, this is just irritating...
This will take some solving...

EDIT 2- Ah, screw it, I'll live with it this way.

Lightbulb Baby.

I don't remember this, but my mother told me about it.
When I was a baby, I rolled my walker up to the Christmas tree, and grabbed one of the bulbs, and it must've burned me, but instead of letting go, I angrily crushed it, and cut up my hand.
And I didn't even cry.

Sounds like something I'd do.

And thinking about it, it's kind of the central metaphor for my life.

Reaching out toward the light, trying to feel it, trying to discern its source, pushing on through the heat and the pain, stubbornly trying to get to the bottom of it all, committed to the course right up until the literal breaking point.

Stubbornness in the search for truth right from the beginning.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Batshit Files.

Or, Another Mind Turd From The Tinfoil Hat Brigade!

I fucking hate conspiracy theories.
That's the thing, they're theories, and not in the concrete scientific sense, but shit people fucking make up, and don't have any fucking evidence for.
But they want you to swallow their insinuations, and get paranoid along with them.
Empty fucking people.

But like religious crackpots like Jerry Falwell, their shit gets respected, and they're allowed on all these shows.

Well, in almost immediate succession, I encountered two instances of a particular strain of it yesterday...

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Piddlyshit update.

I've added enough videos to necessitate (IMHO) a video label.

Kind of a no-brainer that I should've added in the first place, but duh....

Anyway, enjoy. :P

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The "greatest generation", fable.

I'm getting fucking tired of this one.

The "greatest generation", fable goes like this...

Everyone in the WWII Generation went to WWII, everyone acquitted themselves heroically, everyone came back Republicans, everyone gleefully got on board for Eisenhower's Donna Reed/Father Knows Best America, and then the Baby Boom Generation invented social criticism and dissent from thin air, and ruined paradise.

Fuck that propaganda.
It's not real history, and it feeds a retarded social agenda.

First of all, every ingredient of that little fable is demonstrably false or at best grey.
Yet all of those have to be objectively true in concert for that narrative to work.
But that's the narrative that's being sold, and it grates.

I mean, let's look at each one...

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The talk I wish someone had given me as a kid.

Look kid...
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

I've always dug this speech.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A quickie rant on theology.

A bright teenager with access to Google instantly becomes smarter than all of the "greatest", theologians that ever lived.

That is all.

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